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“The key is patience.  Do you see Tommy out there in the living room right now?  Do you see how he’s squirming around in his diaper?”

“Yes, mother.”

“He obviously needs a diaper change.  And I know that you’re just dying to go out there and ask him if that’s the case.”

“It’s true.  I shouldn’t let him stay in a dirty diaper too long.  He could get a rash.”

“Ah, but, see, that’s a lesson that he needs to learn - not you.  The concept of diaper punishment becomes lost if you’re the one who’s checking in on him.  In a sense, when you react to him using his diaper, he’s the one training you.”

“So what you’re suggesting is...”

“...that you let him come to you.  It serves two purposes.  One, you can go about your own life without having to inconvenience yourself to check in on him.  Secondly, it has the added benefit of forcing him to come to you and tell you what he’s done in his diaper.  If it’s humiliation and degradation that we’re seeking in this punishment, there’s no better way to get it.”

“That’s very clever, mother.  How do you know so much about this?”

“Isn’t it obvious?  It’s not my first time.  I’ve kept your father in diapers on and off for years as punishments for his shortcomings.  If you’ve ever wondered why he’s been so obedient it's because he’d rather follow my instructions than be forced to waddle towards me and beg me to change his sodden diaper like a toddler.”

“That’s amazing, mother!  I just know this is going to do wonders for Tommy.  He’s a good boyfriend...but he just needs to learn his place.”

“He will, sweetheart, don’t you worry. Why don’t you start a kettle boiling for some tea.  I have a feeling we’ll be waiting a bit for Mr. Babypants to come asking for some help.”

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original publishing on Tumblr. This version is exclusive for my patrons.


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