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Nobody wanted to be the one to say anything, because that would insinuate that we were looking. But...how could you not? 

The rest of us were already in the conference room, where we waited on her to start the meeting. Finally, in she comes, having to walk past all of us to the one empty chair. And, wouldn’t you know, the back of her skirt is tucked into the back of her panties. 

I suppose it would be tough to imagine any pair of panties that wouldn’t attract the eyes of everyone else in the room, man and woman alike, but these panties… Powder blue, pink ruffles around the legs, and neon pink writing on her ass reading: “Baby Girl.” 

Someone sitting closer to where she was sitting down cleared their throat and whispered something to her. Her face turned almost as pink as the writing on her bottom and she quickly corrected the positioning of her skirt. 

Well, now that we got that out of the way we can start the meeting, right? I tell you - nobody in that room can focus. We’re fidgeting. We’re daydreaming. You could look at just about anyone’s face at any given moment and you could see exactly what they were thinking about. 

Later, in hushed tones, a few of us talked about it outside at the picnic table. Someone who sat close to her, who claimed to have gotten a better view than anyone else, claimed that he was absolutely sure that he saw a red hand print poking out from the side of her panties. And so we’d speculate on whose hand it was, and how soon before the meeting it had happened. Is this why she was late?

This story has been re-edited and partially re-written since its original posting on Tumblr. This version is exclusively for my patrons.


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