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Only a few minutes into my second cocktail of the evening, someone pulled out the barstool next to mine and sat down. Normally this wouldn’t bother me too much - this was a common occurrence at a bar. But Ricky’s was barely even busy tonight. Why did someone have to sit right next to me, of all places?

“An old fashioned?” the woman said, pointing to my drink. “Somethings never change.”

Caroline. It had been at least a year since I saw her last, and I had been holding onto the hope that I might just get through the rest of my life without seeing her again. 

“H-hey you,” I said, as politely as I could muster. “It’s been a while.”

“Did you miss me?”

“Well...you know...”

“Stop,” she said with a laugh. “I’m teasing. We broke up. Actually, you broke up with me. Maybe the only ballsy thing you’ve ever done in your life.”

I rolled my eyes and took a big swig of my drink. This was not how I wanted the night to go at all. 

“How have you been?” I asked, trying to be personable. 

“Fine. Busy.” She shrugged. 

We made small talk for a few minutes, asking about acquaintances who had sided with one of us and lost contact with the other. We talked about jobs and family. All the while, I could sense her trying to steer the conversation somewhere. 

“I heard you moved in with someone new?” she asked. 

“My girlfriend, yes. Lena and I have been together six months now.”

“And that’s going well?”

“Very well, thank you.”

“That’s a shame. I was counting on you crawling back to me by now.” She laughed a little, as if something she said had tickled her more than it should. I caught it too, but tried to remain stoic.

“We’re happy.”

“Well she must be taking care of you pretty well, hmm? Your...needs and all that.”

I knew what she was getting at, and I knew that she wanted to elicit some reaction. And it was surprisingly hard not to give it to her. 

“Look...we’re just in a good place, you know? It’s nice.”

“But...I have to assume that she’s doing a good job of taking care of all those...nasty little fantasies of yours, yes?”

I blushed and looked back to my glass, swirling around the last of my drink. My lack of response was telling in itself.

“Oh, I see,” she said. “I bet she doesn’t even know, is that right? She had no clue that, deep down, you’re just a...”

“No,” I interrupted. “She doesn’t. But that’s okay with me. I didn’t want to get...carried away. But it’s not like I’m never going to tell her. And when I do, I know she’ll be understanding and supportive.”

“Sure, sure.” She rolled her eyes. “We both know that you still think about our time together. The things I’d do for you. To you. You loved it. And, well...you could have it again, too.”

“I...I’m happy where I’m at, thank you.”

“Really now? There’s no part of you that wishes you were in a nice thick...”

“You don’t have to say it, Caroline.”


I felt my insides twist and my face blush a little. It was ridiculous that a simple word could cause this reaction, and even sillier that she knew she could do this to me.

“Maybe I should get going,” I said. 

“Oh, come now, I’m just having fun. Look, there’s nobody else around us. We’re two adults. They’re just words. Don’t get your plastic panties in a twist.”

I felt another wave of warmth wash over my cheeks. 

“Remember how much fun we had? Like the time we went to the zoo?”


“That poor woman thought her little girl had an accident in her pants on the elevator. And the look on her face when she checked and found that she hadn’t?”

“We don’t have to talk about those things, you know.”

“The elevator door opened and you waddled off to the bathroom without even waiting for me. But do you know what I did?”

I didn’t say anything. 

“I assured the woman that I would be changing your stinky diaper right away. Oh, you should have see the look on her face.”

“That’s enough.”

“I mean, I guess I could’ve told her about the suppository I had planted in your bottom not that long before that. But I’m not even sure that you knew I had done that.”

I didn’t say anything. I could barely move, paralyzed by her words. Worse, my body was in a state of mutiny, as I could feel myself becoming erect in my pants. 

“You shouldn’t have to hide who you are,” she continued. “Anytime you’d like, just give me a call. I’ll powder your bottom and put you in a nice thick diaper. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I...well...” I could feel myself losing control of my instincts. Caroline’s pull on me was taking root again.

“I bet it’s been a while since you called anyone Mommy.”

“No... Caroline, you and I are over. Done. I’m with Lena now.”

“Sure.” She placed her hand on my leg, rubbing it softly. My brain desperately tried to relay a signal to my body to reject her advances, but there was no response. She was triggering something that had been hidden away for a while, and had been yearning to come out. 

The bartender motioned to me from further down the bar and I nodded for another drink. There was no doubt I’d need one. He quickly delivered another glass in front of me before leaving me in this isolated corner of the bar with only Caroline again. 

Her lips came dangerously close to my ears and as the hair on the back of my neck stood at attention, she whispered: “There was a time when I could make you wet yourself anytime I wanted. All I had to do was ask.”

I could sense myself breathing a little heavier, but I said nothing. 

“Or worse,” she continued in a slow and sultry tone channeling directly into my ear. “I’ve made you do much much worse just by asking. Do you remember?”

I shook my head no, but her hand had slowly worked it’s way up to my crotch, and her fingers carefully caressed the bulge that gave me away. 

“I think you do. We could’ve been at a bar just like this one. And I’d whisper into your ear that you should make Mommy a dirty diaper. And you would, wouldn’t you?”

I blushed again. Or blushed more - it’s possible I had never stopped blushing since she first sat next to me. 

“The look on your face was always priceless. It was like this mix of, I don’t know, effort and pleasure and shame... I wish I had taken photos of it. I mean, I have plenty of photos of you in your diapers. But that face?”

The more she talked, the more I could feel all the progress I had made in the last year rewinding. 

“What do you say? Think you could do it again for me? For old time’s sake? I bet you could.”

“Wh-what? Caroline, are you asking me to...piss my pants? H-here? N-now?”

“Oh but don’t you want to? Don’t you want to make Mommy happy? Make a little wet spot in your pants and I can take you back to my place, hm? I still have your diapers. And your pacifier.”


“But you have before. Many times.” She stroked my erection through my pants again. “I know you want to. So badly.”

She was right. Of course she was right. It had been foolish of me to think that I could go on pretending to be that boring old adult. I was a baby. A needy and helpless baby who needed his Mommy. That last year might as well have not even had happened, as I suddenly felt like nothing had ever changed. I had never left her and I had never left behind my diapers.

I closed my eyes and I could picture myself in a big thick diaper again. Maybe we were on her bed, or maybe we were at a bar like this. Maybe we were in the family restroom at the zoo again, and she was changing my dirty diaper. 

I wanted so badly to make her happy. I grunted and pushed. For anything. I’d have wet myself if I could have. I’d have...I’d have done much worse had I the ability to, though nothing was coming. I could hear her moan a little in satisfaction of my effort as I became aware of her rubbing my cock through my pants. Was I even at the bar still? Did anyone have any idea of what was happening? I didn’t dare open my eyes to find out. Here, with my eyes closed, and her hand on me, she was in control and I trusted her. 

I came quickly.  The sensation of the gooey wetness filling my boxers brought me back to reality, and I opened my eyes in between deep steady breaths. I was still at the bar. The other patrons were staring at TVs and the bartender was talking to a you woman on the other side of the bar. It was just Caroline and I. And my sticky pants. 

“I still got it, wouldn’t you say?” She was filled with a cheery smug satisfaction. I could only look at her in disbelief. 

“I...should be going,” I said finally. 

“Don’t be ridiculous. You should be coming home with me.”

“This wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m going.”

The next minute was a blur. I tossed some cash on the bar, probably more than what my tab and a tip required. She got closer to me, perhaps she was trying to kiss me, or perhaps she was trying to say something else. But I was walking. I was leaving. A woman near the door looked at me strangely and I wondered if my pants gave away what I had done. But then I was outside. And then I was on the bus. 

I sighed and cursed at myself. Lena would no doubt ask how the bar was when I got home. And I wondered if I should tell her about Caroline. I wondered if she’d notice the mess I made of my underwear. I wondered if I should just tell her about the things I liked and wanted, however strange they were. 

I knew that I’d have to do all of that.  It’d be hard and uncomfortable. But I’d never be out from under Caroline’s spell if I didn’t.


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