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The car slowed down, and eased off the road and onto the shoulder.  She didn't immediately say anything, she just glared at him from the driver's seat.  He swallowed and glanced back, trying not to let his face give away his emotions.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" she asked.

"I don't know what you mean," he replied.

"Take off your pants."

"What?  W-why?"

"Don't argue with me.  Take off your pants." 

He unfastened his seatbelt before unbuttoning his pants, shimmying them down his legs until they fell to the floor of the passenger seat.  Now, a disposable diaper was fully exposed.  The once bright blue stripes on the diaper had dissipated in the yellow tinted bulge between his legs.

"So, do you want to tell me anything now?"

"How did you know?"

"I have a nose, idiot. Did you think I was going to spare you a diaper change just because we were in the car?

"I...I just..."

"I'm not going to treat you again for a diaper rash. Once was enough.  We're going to change you right now.  Go get another diaper."

"But they're in the trunk."

"Ok, well go into the trunk."

He reached for his pants to pull them back up, but she stopped him:  "No, as you are."

"B-but...it's freezing outside!  A-and...there are other cars!"

"Well you better be quick then, yes?"

She hit the lever under the steering wheel, and the trunk popped open behind them.  He took a deep breath and exited the car, stepping out of his pants as he did so.  He waddled to the back of the car in his flooded diaper, tears almost coming from his eyes.

Three different cars would honk their approval as they drove by while he was bent over the back of the car, searching for the clean diapers in the trunk. 



Thanks. I love the public humiliation stories.