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I took a deep breath. And then another. And a few more, just to be safe. I downed a shot of gin to ease my nerves. It was hardly my shot of choice, but it was all I had. 

Quickly, I tried to figure out what I should be doing when she got here. Should I act like I was reading a book? Taking a nap? Staring out the window wistfully? No, no, I had to answer the door...I was being silly now. Overthinking things for sure.

There was a knock.

“C-coming!” I said, my voice breaking as I called out. Hopefully she didn’t actually hear me through the door.

I ran to the door and opened it. As always, she was stunning. 

“Hello, Matthew,” she said in an almost sing-song voice. I adored that she used my full name. It was probably my second favorite thing that she called me. 

“Hi Paige. Please, come in. I can get you some water if you’d like. Or juice. I have some gin...but that’s literally all the liquor I have for some reason. And…” I realized I was rambling. “Sorry. I’m nervous.”

“Nervous?” she asked with a smile, stepping into the apartment as I closed the door behind her. She had a rather large backpack with her, which she placed on the ground near the end of the couch. “You shouldn’t be. We’ve done this before. 

“But...that was at your place, and we spent all day talking about it and...”

“You worry too much.” She laughed to herself. “It's funny, you always sound so much more confident in your texts to me.”

I managed to smile through my bright red cheeks as I offered her a seat on the couch, which she accepted. I took a seat on the opposite end.

“We don’t have to, like, do anything,” I said. “If you don't want.”

“You invited me to your apartment. You didn’t ask me to get a cup of coffee with you.” She batted her eyes at me. Or maybe I just imagined that. 


“Come now, stop being so bashful. What was it you texted to me early this morning? Hold on, let me just pull that up.” She pulled her phone from her bag, quickly scrolling through it before her mischievous smile gave away that she had found exactly what it was she was looking for. “Ah yes, here it is. You said: ‘I just want you to use me. Make me your dirty little diaper baby.’”

I blushed brightly, nervously running a hand down my face.  

“I mean, those are your words, not mine.”

“I...I know.”

“So. Do you still want that?”

“I do.”

“Let’s see then. Show me that it’s what you want.”

For a moment, I felt frozen to the couch and paralyzed with anxiety. For as much as we had talked about this before, there was still a part of me that wondered if there would be a line, where once crossed she would be disgusted and walk out of my apartment. 

There was no way to know anything if I just sat there all night, though. I stood up, and quickly unfastened my belt and unbuttoned my pants, pulling them down to my knees. 

“I see,” she said with a smile, “you wore your diapers just for me? Or...do you wear them all the time because you’re just a baby?”

“N-no,”‘I replied. 

“No, you didn’t wear them just for me? So you ARE just a baby?”

“That’s...not what I meant!” I suspected she would’ve turned that answer against me no matter what I said. 

“I’m teasing you. But I do like this diaper.” She stood up and approached me, gently feeling my diaper with the back of her fingers. “I like this cute little animal print. It seems so much more fitting for a big baby than that plain white thing you had before. So...clinical.”

I wanted to run my hands through her hair. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and kiss her. I wanted...any of her, honestly. Whatever she’d allow for. But I stayed in place. She was in charge now. 

“You might as well take off all your clothes,” she said. “It doesn’t make sense for you to have those silly adult clothes on when you’re wearing a big diaper.”

I complied, discarding my clothes and standing before her again in just my plump diaper. She sat back down on the couch, seeming to be quite smitten with what she was seeing. 

“You haven’t wet yourself yet, I suppose.”


“I figured. You’d be sagging and looking pretty soggy. A shame...but you’ll work in that for me, yes?”

“I can…”

“Good baby. Please tell me as soon as you need to make a tinkle in your potty-pants.”

I blushed and nodded - it was the only response I could give.

“You look nervous and anxious.”

“A little.”

“Come here then. Sit on my lap.”

In all my fantasies and daydreaming, I don’t think that I had ever considered the simple pleasure of sitting on someone’s lap. I suddenly wanted that more than anything else. I stepped towards her and gently sat down on her lap, her arms taking my waist to steady me. She was right - I could feel some of my apprehensions slip away. 

“Now, why don’t you tell me more about what you’re hoping for.”

It was a fair request, but I wasn’t sure what to say. I’d be happy with anything. There were so many things I wanted to experience in this moment that I didn’t even know where to begin. What could I possibly say? What I could I…

An urge suddenly came over me. It seemed so perfectly timed that I’d be tempted to call it fate. And it was the answer I could think to give. I closed my eyes, focused, and released. 

“You haven’t answered me, baby. I asked you a question and...oh my.” She stopped talking and looked down at her lap, probably feeling the same warm rush that I was feeling in my diaper. “Are you...wetting yourself? On my lap?”

To be honest, I was proud of myself at that moment. I didn’t think I could ever do that, and neither did she, judging by the surprise in her voice. The room was mostly silent for a few moments, save for the faint hissing of me setting myself. When I was done, I slowly opened my eyes and looked to her, where I was met with her own wide eyes and wider smile. 

“Well now, aren’t you full of surprises.”

“I...wet my diaper.”

Her hands were on my diaper again, feeling it and gently squeezing the soaked padding between my legs. Between the reality of sitting on her lap after having pissed myself, and her hands groping at my diaper, I had become quite aroused, which wasn’t lost on her. 

“It seems you’re quite proud of your work here?” She cooed, a hand gently stroking me through my wet diaper. 

I had no response to this. 

“But we shouldn’t allow you to have any fun with that just yet, right? I just got here.”

I nodded, as her hand gently ran up and down the front of my soggy diaper again. 

“Just think, if it only took you a few minutes to piss yourself in my lap, think of where we might be an hour from now.”

I moaned softly - I hadn’t even intended to. 

“Alright, off my lap, puddle-pants. Before you leak all over me.”

I slid from her lap back to my feet, and as I did so, I felt the immediate shift in weight of my diaper, as its wet mass hung between my legs. Paige gave it a nice pat with her hand, feeling the saggy weight in her hands.

“I got something for you,” she said, reaching into her bag again. She pulled out a new pacifier, mostly pink with pastel blue details, and she stuck it in my mouth before I could have a reaction at all. “Do you like it?”

I nodded obediently.

“I thought you would. I’m sure a baby like you has a thousand of them - but I saw this in the baby aisle at the store and, I guess, it just made me think of you.”

I bashfully nodded again.

“Now, why don’t you be a good baby and practice...I don’t know...crawling around and sucking on your paci for a while, yes? I have another gift for you, but I have to prepare it first. I’m going to use your bedroom. Is that alright with you?”

“Yeth,” I said through the pacifier.

“Good. Behave. Do your best not to leak all over.”

She grabbed her bag and was off to my bedroom. I did as she suggested and got onto my hands and knees, crawling about a little in the living room. I felt a little silly doing it, though less silly than when I did it when I was by myself. 

I realized I had left some rather embarrassing things out on the bed of my bedroom. Nothing she probably already hadn’t imagined that I owned...more diapers, baby powder, wipes, etc. But that thought did little to calm my nerves. 

I wondered what she had brought with her. I already had most of the supplies needed for a big baby...I couldn’t think of any holes in my collection. I wondered if it was, perhaps, an enema bag - we had talked about that once. Baby food, maybe. A paddle to spank me with? It did no use to speculate, I would just have to be patient.

But being patient was getting harder and harder to do. Minutes had passed, and it was starting to feel like an eternity. I wondered if she needed my help - though I’m sure the last thing she wanted was for me to get up from my crawling position just to act like an impatient brat. So long as she hadn’t climbed out the window and ran away, I knew she’d be back eventually.

Just around the time that I was starting to think to myself that I had been getting pretty good at crawling, I heard my bedroom door open. From within: “Matthew? Come here.”

Instinctively, I pivoted towards the door and I began crawling towards it. Realizing that i was still crawling, I started to stand - only for her to correct me.

“No, continue crawling,” she said. “Crawl to me.”

I did so, crawling down the short hallway that connected the living room to the bedroom. It wasn’t until I crawled past a small pile of the clothes she had been wearing when she arrived that I thought to look at her. At that moment, I was thankful that I was already crawling on the ground, as I don’t think my feet would’ve supported me had I been standing. There she was, completely nude as her curvy body seemed to sparkle in the window’s light except for the rather complex looking harness wrapped around her waist. It seemed to be supporting a rather intimidating looking phallic object.

“I-is that…”

“A strap-on? Yes. Do you like it?”

“I...well…” I could barely speak, I was so dumbfounded. Yes, I had been daydreaming of this moment for a long time. And while I may have mentioned it in passing to her once, I never thought that she’d actually show up with one.

“It’s new to me too,” she said with a casual shrug. “It fits rather nicely though. I have to say - I never really got why men made such a big deal about their cocks. They seem like these big silly chunks of meat between their legs. And THAT entitles them to all this power?”

I wondered how big it was. Maybe 7 or 8 inches?

“But,” she continued, “wearing it now, I suppose I get it a little bit.”

I swallowed.

“You have to wonder though. Is it really the cock? Or the person behind the cock? Because you have one, yes? I know you do. I’ve felt it. I’ve seen it. But you don’t have very much power. You make dirty diapers with yours, don’t you?”

“Y-yes, Paige.”

“I don’t want you to call me that anymore. I want you to start calling me Mommy.”


“Do you want to touch Mommy’s cock?”

“M-may I?”

“Please. Crawl to me and touch it.”

I did as she asked, crawling a few feet across the room until I was kneeling before her. She was right - she had power right now. She always had power, we both knew that. But the strap-on seemed to imbue her with even more strength. I reached to it, tapping it gently at first, before wrapping my hand around it to get a better feel. It was mostly stiff, though there seemed to be a little bit of give in it. Enough to make it a little flexible, I thought.

“Have you ever had a cock in your mouth?”

“No…” I said hesitantly.

“This hardly seems like the time to lie to me.”

“Once,” I said. “At my old job. This guy I worked with...we were in the locker room one night and…”

“Show me what you did that night.”

I leaned forward, mouth open, and took the tip of her plastic cock into my mouth, sealing my lips around it. I slowly slid my mouth down the shaft, trying to take as much into it as I could - stopping just before I could feel myself starting to gag - and then I slid back up the shaft.

“Not bad,” she said. “There’s room for improvement, but we can worry about that another time. I have other places for my cock to be tonight.”

“Do you mean…”

“Of course I do. Don’t you want that?”

I nodded.

“Tell me you want it.”

“I...I want it.”

“Be more convincing than that.”

“I...I want you to fuck me...Mommy. Please.”

“I thought so. Stand up. Face your bed.”

I obeyed, turning away from her. She stepped forward, gently pulling my sodden diaper down to just below my ass cheeks. My damp bottom felt a chill at being exposed. She pushed on my upper back to signal that she wanted me to bend over the side of the bed, and I did so.

“You’ve had things in your ass before, yes?”


“Well, besides my fingers, like the last time.”

“Uh-huh. Yes…Toys. I have a plug.”

“Very good. Then as I’m sure you know, lube is very important.” I heard her squeeze something into her hands, and moments later, a well-greased finger or two spread a liberal amount between my cheeks. She found my clenched hole, and effortlessly penetrated it, lubing it well. “Are you okay?”

“I...yes. I am.”

“You’re sure?”

“Please,” I said, blushing as I knew what I needed to say: “I’m ready to be fucked, Mommy.”

Almost immediately, I felt the tip of the plastic member pressed against my ass. It slowly danced around its target. I couldn’t tell if she was getting her bearings, or teasing me, but either way it had on me on the figurative edge. When she finally landed on the hole itself, I let out a great gasp, which was immediately followed by an imploding breath as she entered me.

“I haven’t decided yet,” she said to me. “Does THIS make you the ‘dirty little diaper baby’ you wanted to be?”

But I had no words to give to her. I just let out a bellowing moan.

“Oh, but you haven’t even felt all of it yet. Just wait until I’ve filled you.”

To her credit, she didn’t immediately lunge forward, as I feared she would. She took her time. She pulled out a little, before easing herself in again, letting my bottom acclimate to her stiff cock a little bit at a time. Each time she eased herself in, I found my brain being wiped clean. Was my heart stopping? Was I breathing?

This was power, and she had all of it. The more she gave me, the more I wanted. Worse, I felt myself losing control of any restraint I had. I gave up any effort to clench my muscles around her, and I gave in to her newfound residency.

“F...fuck me,” I gasped between the little breaths I allowed myself when she eased herself out a little bit. “I...I want to be your...dirty little diaper boy.”

“I know you do,” she said. 

Her pace increased a little. She was entering deeper now. I was moaning louder. Later, I’d wonder if the neighbors could hear me. For right now, it was the furthest thought from my mind.

“I can do this all night,” she said. “And I just might. Do you think you could cum from only being fucked?”

“I...don’t know…”

“Let’s find out.  I’d love to fuck you until you’ve blown a sticky load into your sopping wet diaper. Wouldn’t you?”

“Y-yes, Mommy…”

“Just so you know,” she said, in between her own short breaths as she pumped into my backside, “I’m very turned on myself. This...all of this...works for me. Very much.”

I moaned loudly, both in response to an especially hard thrust of hers, and in response to what she just said.

“Can I admit something? I almost wish…” she quickly caught her breath before continuing, “Next time, I want you to make your diaper...extra dirty. Before we do this. Do...you know what I mean?”


“You? A dirty little diaper boy...pissing yourself and then messing yourself in my lap. Then getting bent over the bed and fucked in your dirty diaper. Yes?”

“Mmm…” was all I could muster.

“Could you do that for me? Make a big ol’ mess in your diaper for me while sitting in Mommy’s lap?”

“I...yes...I’d do anything for you…”

I couldn’t see for myself, but I could definitely hear it in her voice. She was getting off on this somehow. I wondered if she had started to play with her clit while she fucked me - or if the strap-on was actually hitting her in the right way. But I knew one thing for sure: I liked everything she was saying. I loved it. I wanted it. 

Everything was becoming euphoric. Being fucked, my weight diaper hanging off my ass, the faint smell of my piss wafting to my nose, her plans for an even dirtier future. I didn’t think it would have been possible but…


“Yes?” she replied eagerly. 

“I’m going to cum...I’m going to cum in my diaper and…”

It happened. It was like an explosion of emotions. My nerve endings teemed and buzzed. My body went limp and I swore I either passed out for a split second or I just completely dissociated. A sticky stream had spurted into my already used diaper.

She stopped moving for a moment, and our heavy breathing seemed in sync for a moment. She slowly slid out from me, leaving behind a greasy trail of lube - not to mention the globs of it left on my bottom. Quickly, she pulled the diaper back up over my ass, sealing me into the sticky, slick and wet concoction. She sat on the bed next to me and stroked my hair.

I crawled onto the bed, and without really thinking about it, or saying anything, I maneuvered myself into her lap, where I looked up at her beautiful face while she stroked my hair and the side of my face. Occasionally, her other hand would pat or rub my sticky diaper.

“Was that good?” she asked.


“Everything you wanted it to be?”


Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, and we were surrounded by our bliss.

Finally, she said: “I’m going to sit on your face. You’re going to make me cum all over you. And when we’re done, I’ll change your diaper. Then, I’ll have some of that gin. Does that sound fair?”

“Yes, Mommy,” I said - the most confident I felt calling her that all night.

“Let’s go then, Baby.”


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