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 Hey. Hi. Welcome. 

I’ve spent weeks fretting about Patreon. I had charts and lists of what I wanted to write and when I wanted to publish it. Multiple versions of files to review and edit. Good friends and helpful acquaintances that I’ve been tapping for ideas, advice and suggestions. Multiple iterations of drafts just for my introduction. 

And then, in the span of an hour, I just said “Whatever,” and plopped it all into Patreon and hit the “publish” button. And it hardly seemed as dramatic or huge of a moment as the last few weeks would have had me believe. That’s a good thing, I think. Its how my Tumblr blog started - just putting my stories out there and seeing what happened - and it’s what I think I need to do here too. 

This is a work in progress. Obviously. I’m figuring things out as I go. Obviously. 

I hope you’re well padded, or thinking about someone who is, and that you’re ready to dive in. I’m as ready as I’m going to be.


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