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 After a few comments, messages and surveys (yes I read them) I've been thinking that there's been a large tug of war between what I want and what my audiences wants.

Some have expressed that the amount of comics in the roster has been confusing and I know which of the main comics people are here for have certain themes that most are interested in.

So this is what I've been thinking: Would you like if the 3 main top comics were in rotation?Meaning they would be getting more attention when it's their turn and when their Episode/Volume is done then the next series gets their turn.

The best way to make this work is to have "WARNING: Cream Filled" be the focus for the remainder of its episode and then afterwards "Black Circus" is next in line to continue and finish its volume. This would mean the comic that is in the rotation would be getting 4-5 pages a week thus speeding up their series the way IHHAT vol. 1 was getting 5 pages when it began.

The only major issue is that each series of comics have different fans and some may leave until their series is in rotation. If you guys want the rotation idea then I'll just have to deal with people leaving as something that'll have to happen.

Anyway the rotation would go like this: Cream Filled - Black Circus - IHHAT - then back to Cream Filled. Cream Filled has the shortest number of pages for each episode at the moment which is why it's first in line while the other two are a bit longer but not as long as IHHAT Vol. 1 (ranging to about 2 chapters each that I'll try to limit to about 75 pages each).

 As for "World Gates" and "Buckle", those are passion comics that I still want to do and will be on the side for me to work on.  I'm thinking of doing at least 1 page of either/both a week just to keep them going since they somewhat tie into the of the 3 comics in certain ways and are fun for me to work on. 

There's also a third option: Weekly Rotation suggested by SashaGelert. We can do weekly focus pages for the main 3 and on the 4th week of each month each comic gets a 1 page update.

That's what I've been thinking about lately. If this is something you all would like me to do here's your chance to vote on it. I'll make sure things are clear in which series is in rotation so that people don't get confused.



You do what every you need to do, as long as it's accomplishing your vision. Your fans should support you for your work not just the content.


Those are the three from you which I really follow, so I'll be happy to see them continue, regardless. I thank your truly loyal followers will continue lending their support no matter what ends up happening. Although I'd say Option 3 sounds like the best compromise. We get a satisfying number of pages for a story each week, and fans don't have to wait as long to see their favorite ones continue. Whatever the case, you can count on me to keep on watching. ;)


Thanks, maybe I'm thinking too hard on stuff like this but I'd rather have an answer rather than constantly questioning it.

Spicy Noodles

I'd say focus on on 2 or 3 for now, whatever works with your schedule


Always have my support. Do what you want to do.


I liked it better when you focused on y9yr main series ihhat then cream filled and so on or perhaps finish the shortest one then move onto medium length then longest


Cream Filled is the shortest since its more to the point and episodic, after that it'd be Black Circus and then IHHAT. Both are about the same length until Black Circus Vol. 3 which will be a 3 chapter volume


I think you figured out your roll cream filled ihhat bc

Alex Kay

We touched upon this a while back, but yeah focus is what'll help your stories. In the meantime if you're able to work on WG in the background then keep at it until its built up the head of steam that it needs.


Yeah, the lesser comics will be worked on when I can but the comic that is in the main rotation will have the focus while still doing other art content for the higher tiers

Gemini (formerly Neri!)

I think the Weekly rotation would be likely the best compromise that you could reach in terms of sustained reader interest across a broad range of interests. TBH in your position I'm not sure I'd have put it up to a vote. This doesn't just touch on your creative process, but also the business model you have going here.


You're probably right, but tying to be as flexible as I can so I'm letting people have a chance to put in their two cents