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Though she's new, let's have a nice chat with the up and comic snake!

Jo-Ann: Pleased to meet you all! :3




Do you have any siblings?


Jo-Ann: I have 4 older siblings. They're all Beastials (lucky fucks) and live in other areas of the region like the country-side and smaller towns. I'm the only one that lives in the city. Haven't spoken to them for a long time though... should call them when I have the chance.


Jo-Ann: I haven't really thought about it. I'm mostly focused on my career first.


Jo-Ann: I've always liked old movies and well-done acting in plays. But I think it was my older sister who inspired me the most since she' used to sing around the house. Made me feel that I could accomplish anything if I try hard enough.


Weird question any of your siblings you have the hots for?

Sean Nolan

What kind of roles are you most interested in being in?


Jo-Ann: Umm... no? I mean I've never thought of any of them in that way >_>


Jo-Ann: I like country, medieval, roman, and egyptian times of roles. You know, the kind where the women act a bit proper and high class. But I'm open to anything really, I just want to act :3

Sean Nolan

Have you ever tried looking for a role in something fantasy theme?


Jo-Ann: Just a couple of normal serpents, nothing really special to note.


Jo-Ann: Oh yes, those can be fun. I have gotten work before but nothing major yet.

Sean Nolan

Oh cool mind if i ask what you have played as in fantasy stuff?


Jo-Ann: Mostly a maid but I was almost casted as a dragon but then they hired an actual dragon girl.

Sean Nolan

Ouch hmmm i was thinking you would make a awsome mage or druid x3 ever thought of looking for a yaun-ti or naga role?


Jo-Ann: Could do that, just pretty much up to who's casting and their budget. But I have been in serpent roles a few times for smaller productions.

Sean Nolan

Ever thought of doing voice acting for animated things?


Do you have a preference when it comes to mates or lovers ?


Jo-Ann: I could, but it's not exactly the same for me.


Jo-Ann: Well just someone that makes me happy is really all I'd need. But I already have my girlfriend Janet so I have my lover :3


Awww so sweet which do you prefer pancakes, Waffles or French Toast?

Sean Nolan

Ah yea makes sense. Have you made any friends and or connections in the acting buisness?


Jo-Ann: French Toast sticks, easier to handle the syrup :P


Jo-Ann: some here and there but none that could make a big enough influence to get bigger companies to hire me yet. Though... there's Mona... ugh...


Jo-Ann: Umm... aside from me sometimes getting her to go off her diet not really lol.


Your lover is really cool your lucky to have her~


Jo-Ann: *sigh* we both went to the same school for acting, have the same talents and skills, but she's a Beastial meaning she has a more humanoid physique while I'm a Fera-Beastial so I have a more animal figure relative to my race. Not saying that her fame came from her tits and ass, she's very talented and I respect her for being as committed as I am, but it still pisses me off that people judge me based on how I look rather than what I can do.


Jo-Ann: oh yes, she's been there for me since high school :3

Sean Nolan

Sounds like mona would be able to help you out if you asked honestly :) as for the judging by looks thing im not to big of a fan of either. If i wanted to see tits and ass i would watch porn not a movie thats suppose to entertain me. People who pick actors based on their looks are bound to have their works fail. Theres more to this then just looks. As for the fera-beastial i would say i wish we had that in my universe. Would make cgi be used less for things like fantasy races, sci fi races, hell even parts involving animals would be easier to handle which im not saying that as a bad thing. The first pick to act as this lethal hunter alien called the predator was a monkey. Thing is it kept taking the suit off that was suppose to give it a camo look on screen woth digital effects. Ack there i go again with a speech sorry about that xD anyway would you ever give mona a chance to help you out?


Jo-Ann: personally it's a pride thing. Mona got to where she is because she works just as hard as I do and I want to reach my goal the same way. If she got extra help due to her looks then all I can do is accept that. I know that a lot of people get well-know due to the people they know and network with and I know that if I talked to her more then maybe I'd be in a better spot but it's hard to not want something you earned on your own. As for Mona, we are friends to a degree and she does know who I am, but I just can't bring myself to ask her for a favor...

Alistar Frith

What do you do on your free time?


.....what's your breath like?


Jo-Ann: Mostly job hunting but I spend time with my gf and watch movies. Occasionally we go to the mall to window shop X3


Jo-Ann: Uhh... minty I guess? I take breath mints often.

Spicy Noodles

Hmmm, would you call yourself a "chubby chaser"? Squeaks is quite plump y'know >w>


Jo-Ann: Lol well I wouldn't call myself a chubby chaser, I find all figures beautiful (yes even the Beastial ones). But how could I not love my Squeaks and her deliciously round ass? >w> Squeaks: O//O;

Rhys Lawson

I wonder, Jo-Ann. Do you have a 'dream role'? A role that you would love to play no matter what if the chance arose to play it.


Jo-Ann: Something romantic similar to Shakespeare. I'm fine with any role really but I want to be taken seriously and give a chance to do a major role.


When did you first realize you were interested in women, and how did your relationship with Janet ("Squeaks") come to fruition?


Jo-Ann: Hmm... well I'm bisexual so I'm interested in men and women but I think I leaned more towards women when I met Janet in high school. We hit it off pretty easily as we talked about movies, literature and the occasional gossip. Towards the end of high school was when Janet told me she was gay which surprised me at first since a lot of guys were interested in her so I didn't think much about her orientation. After that we started dating and have been ever since, though I'm thinking of going further when I get a decent job in acting. She's a life-saver though and does a lot for me so I want to return her generosity both financially and in bed ;3

Rhys Lawson

Perhaps you would do well in Twelfth Night or Romeo and Juliet? Personally, I could see you doing Juliet.