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Full link: https://mega.nz/file/DxVH3CgQ#mUXHYOio3s5IGy4AZD7lH5VY6TNK2yB5qgKuQ2zic2c

Key only: mUXHYOio3s5IGy4AZD7lH5VY6TNK2yB5qgKuQ2zic2c

It's finally here! Each of the individual parts have been tested, but not the whole thing combined into one, so there might be some issues and bugs that crept in (in fact, forgive the candour, but I'd be a little surprised if there weren't due to this being such a big open-world game...)

Anyway, please let me know if you encounter typos or bugs! And any kind of feedback is welcome!

As usual, the only thing that isn't operational in this build is the Replay Centre (but I did put a portal so you can access the brig even after the final boss encounter).

Last but not least, thank you all again for patiently waiting for this one :)


333.42 MB file on MEGA



Right, so after I finish the mission where the doctor joins the party I come across this strange bug where Brandon no longer has collision with objects in the map. I can, however, still interact with objects and NPCs by fidgeting and positioning myself one tile away from them. In the hope that it would somehow fix this, I tried changing and changing back the party leader, but that instead led to Brandon's sprite becoming the ship everywhere.


Thanks for letting me know about it! I think I can see what happened and I’ll fix it when I can get back to my computer later. Meanwhile, are you able to progress the game? Or is it completely game breaking?


Im not sure if i was supposed to do something but cissy died in the final battle on the first mission and she wasn’t in my party after just brandon and robot boi.