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Heya muties, 

hope you are doing well. I was away for a week on a business trip but now I'm back continuing to work on Hoover Dam dialogs and quests. As you can see this dude likes his whiskey a lot but is friendly enough to share. Guess what? He is one of the people running the place. Yes, it will be interesting to see how the Prisoner will change the place. To be or not to be? To try fixing it or turning it into the booze capital of the wasteland? Yes, we will have fun either way! :D

And in other news, while I was away, our maestro was busy with two new songs -  Boulder Dome and the Crater - which will be added to the game soon for your aural enjoyment. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for them!

I will chat to you soon with more news on the latest development. Take care dear muties and keep your roentgens low



Willem Brits

Hi there PJ and team. This looks amazing and is really making me extremely excited for Fallout: Yesterday. This oozes Fallout style and class. Very happy to hear that the design philosophy is staying so close to core fundamentals of what makes a Fallout game and very excited to hear that the music is coming along nicely as well. The music is extremely important as I am certain you know. Without the incredible music of Mark Morgan, Fallout and Fallout 2 would not be the same. All the best PJ as well as the team and thank you again for your commitment to this amazing project!

PJ & Co

Thank you Willem, that’s right, the music is incredibly important to us. It can make or break the atmosphere. We try making music that works well with Mark Morgan’s soundtrack