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Heya mutants, it's been a while since I've reached out with the latest wasteland news. First thing first, all the best in 2023! Let's hope this will be a big year for Fallout Yesterday!

I've been working on 24 Hoover Dam NPCs at the moment. Some are less, some are  more important but they all have a voice of their own and a reason to be in the Dam. The 24 is not a total list, there will be even more of them there, but what I wanted to add first is a new companion so you can travel around with even more people. It's a WIP so now if you pick him up, you can't get rid of him unless he goes away forever :)

There's also lots of extra work with making sure the new locations have proper pathfinding so I've been working on that too. So far the Dam is the most challenging area to work on due to its scope, but it's worth it. It's simply epic!

I will try and get these 24 NPCs done soon, so you can meet them and make new friends or foes :)

Yours truly, from the depths of a working class' factory,



Willem Brits

Looking awesome! Love the animated/talking-head look and so excited to experience this. I can see from your description that a great deal of work is going into making Fallout Yesterday a true RPG experience in the vein of Fallout with tough decisions that have a real impact on the experience (for example this team mate leaving permanently if you part ways with him). Thank you again PJ and team, keep up the excellent work!

PJ & Co

Thank you, Willem! Yes, some team mates will continue on their own if you part ways. It will be interesting to find out what happens to them!

Toma Georgiev

Looks great! Just looking at the picture gives me those old-school Fallout vibes. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see it!