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Heya mutants,

a quiet week is behind us. Mostly due to real life stuff. I found out a week ago my rent is going up 4 times?! thanks to inflation, so I had to find a new place to live in overnight.

Found something on Friday, not so good but the rent is smaller than before so there’s that.

However, some game work has been done this week - critical art for the endgame was finished which means we can finally go back to dialogs / quests 😉 Time for the silent NPCs to talk!

-PJ & Co



Sorry to hear that mate. Rent is horrible in this current economy, im happy you found something tho. Thankyou for your hard work on the game ^-^


Oh that sucks! I'm glad I live in a country that still has rent control, even though our politicians are doing everything in their power to get rid of it. Glad you found some sort of solution!