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'ello mutants,

hope you are all doing great, just as I am!

Things have been busy down in the trenches with almost a whole week spent on writing code! 

There will be LOTS of new NPCs in R4, possibly around 60! So yeah, that's taking its sweet time. But it will all be worth it! :D

Today I took a break from coding and focused on adding some unique art to new locations.

An art piece like that here and there is sorely needed, just to keep areas visually distinctive and memorable as much as possible. I'll try and have some nice screenshots for you next time!

So what's up for me in the upcoming week? More coding and more location touchups. R4 is around the corner, and this is the final push. That's all from me mutants for now, see you on the first line!

- Private PJ, over and out



You're a goddamn hero, Private