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Heya mutants,

the first week of me coming back to regularly work on the game went by fast! That's what happens when you're having fun :)

I focused on getting the latest version of sfall into the game and playtesting the new world map encounters along with Mesa Verde. My plan is to spend no more than 2 weeks on wrapping up each location for R4 as we want to add even more to the upcoming release than we promised. All in hopes of attracting great developers to our small team.

So far, the original plan remains in place - that we release R4 in 2 months time, during November! An early Christmas present for all you patient mutants and fans around the world :)

Well, less talking, more working. I'm heading back to the workshop now so I will bid you farewell.

See you soon with more news on R4's progress.

-PJ & Co


Christian Sanchez

So, maybe this is a dumb question but is there a place where we can see an overview/ screenshots of everything that’s currently in the game now? With an overview of what the game is? When I search I end up going to NMA. Idk if there’s like a website for Fallout yesterday or anything. It would be nice to be able to give people a link. That way when I talk about it I can send it to them so they can learn more about the game. (I don’t have a PC at the moment so I can’t play it yet) like a web page with like a list of locations and quests that are currently playable? I’ve never used patreon before so if that exists on here and I’m being an idiot I apologize. Always enjoy these updates. Can’t wait for November!

PJ & Co

Hi Christian! At the moment, this Patreon page is the closest we have to a proper website. I will update it with more info, screenshots, videos after we release R4. But I will talk to others about the idea of us getting a brand new website. Thanks for your suggestions! P.S. There are no dumb questions! :)