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Hello mutants,

how's it going? This will be a super short post because of 2 reasons xD

1) I spent the whole week cutting up big new art and putting it inside the engine. 

Many tools failed in funny ways due to art's humongous size but thankfully good old ImageMagick saved the day!

2) My laptop's keyboard broke and I am typing this using On-Screen Keyboard. 

Yes, the physical keyboard got FUBAR'd although it's still glowing but it doesn't write anymore :(

Since it's Sunday and the nearest PC shop is closed, the new keyboard has to wait until morning!

With this super duper short update (which took 15 minutes to write using a mouse) I will greet you and promise to come back with a bigger update next time.

-PJ & the virtual keyboard


Lawful Neutral

There are some apps that allow to use your smartphone screen as a keyboard, I think it makes typing a bit faster than with an on-screen keyboard. I had to use one of those for a week once, can't recall the name, but there are many of them.

PJ & Co

Thanks for the tip! Guess who has a new keyboard :)))) Back in action!