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How are you, mutants?

All is good on this side. I've been working on programming this entire week with a steady pace. As I was crossing off items from my todo list, I noticed this update is big! Why? Well, there are 50+ new NPCs in it. That's right, over 50 new unique magnificent faces strolling down Tibbets' cold corridors! Hope you'll have much fun discovering what sort of people those robots abducted from the wastes! 

Another thing I worked on, were some new encounters for the world map. A bit more encounters and new maps to spice things up! Speaking of that, and as I already mentioned this a couple of months ago, I have to remind that the world map is one of those things I'll probably update on every release.

Also, as most of you probably heard by now, the big news from this week was that Microsoft bought Bethesda! 

So Fallout is now owned by the same company that owns Obsidian and InXile, both which employ many original Fallout devs! Exciting times for all of us, let's all hope the stars align! 

I'll leave you to enjoy Mike Oldfield's great number appropriately titled "Only Time Will Tell." There's even some "tribal" imagery in there that looks straight out of Fallout, check it out!



Mike Oldfield - Only Time Will Tell



Keep up the Good work. Cannot wait to see what is next.


I'm excited for new encounters, especially if they involve various factions. Encounters alone can tell many stories and let the player learn about the world.