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Hello mutants, 

it's hard to summarize everything I did this week. It feels like I worked on just about everything. Creating new areas, art, writing dialogs, writing code, adding a truckload of new music, and fixing bugs! And as you can see, I've started adding NPC portraits to the game. :)

Since we're a looong way from reaching the budget necessary for epic animated heads with professional voice acting, this is the next best thing that we can have. I love the classic Fallout 1 portraits style and it also allows me to add much more portraits than what was initially planned for. In case our budget increases enough in the future, voice acting and animations will be made of course.

The big tasks that are left for the next release is finishing all the dialogs and quests. And testing them too. This will take some time as there are many new NPCs running around Tibbets now.

Also, there was a nasty bug with female player's fire and electricity death animations in sfall version 4.2.6 (and earlier ones) that will get fixed in 4.2.7. However, this fix breaks the fire and electricity death animations for ALL the NPCs and I have to go back, review and fix each one of them.

That's not something I planned to do but it must be done.

With this update, I will leave you now and go back to squeeze some more work out of this day.



Another prisoner...
My ride is here.
The cave entrance collapsed, how am I getting in now?



This looks great. More patrons will come with each release :)