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Hello mutants!

Hope you're doing good on this Sunday.  Let' see what was up this week in the workshop! 

I spent the beginning of week finishing the new maps.  All of them are finished now except for a few new art pieces and that shouldn't take more than a day or two.

To speed up the process for this I bought a set of art shaders for €16.48. You can find the bill in the attachment.

Then the rest of the week I worked on new exciting features such as adding new dialogs and Traits. Most of these new Traits come from Arcanum, another game made by Fallout 1's developers. You might be wondering what I'm talking about here since there are no Traits in Arcanum, but Arcanum's Backgrounds were a perfect match for Fallout's Traits. And it was aligning well with the changes that have been planned for Van Buren with new Traits such as NCR Background and Chem Resistant being renamed to Clean Living indicating that player's history/personality can also be defined through them.

Some were easily implemented, but some required more work. Take Idiot Savant for example.

With that Trait the player gains big Intelligence and Gambling bonuses, suffers some penalties to their physical stats but also has speech difficulties. Fallout doesn't support high Intelligence characters talking like dumb characters so I had to create a workaround through the entire system just for this one Trait.

And now you'll be able to fulfill your wildest dreams, having a genius character who can barely put together two words! :D

Another new Trait, which I expect to totally break the game, is Fear the Reaper from Fallout Tactics. With that Trait, you can get a Perk every two levels. Can you image what your character would be capable of? I can't either! xD

And there are more of these examples in the upcoming release but I'll let you discover that for yourself.

Looking forward talking to you next week with the latest progress on where we are with the second release. Some new screenshots would be in order too by then? :)





I think Fallout could have been turned into endless modules... they do it with DnD all the time

PJ & Co

Yes! Actually the changes they did to the engine in the Fallout 2 patch seem to indicate there were plans for expansions. Why they didn't go ahead with that plan I dunno. But I'm now using that tech and it helps greatly :D


I really like the idea of taking traits from Arcanum. Since Tim Cain worked on that to you should be able to be inspired by quite a lot from that game.