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Heya mutants!

Lots of good news today so let's start right away. After my last blog post, I sat down and made a task list of all the big and small tasks I need to finish by the end of this month.

So the list ended up being around 70 items long which was unexpected as I thought it would be around 40 or so. But what can you do - Fallout Yesterday is a humongous game. So, one week later I managed to get the task list down to just 18 items. Not bad, huh?

These remaining ones mostly concern animations and content support for a few Traits.

What also happened is that Fallout 2's 22-year-old engine reared it's ugly head on me today but I tamed the genius beast. Anyway, I managed to create a dialog that is too big for the engine to handle! While the dialog worked for most of the part, some parts of it mysteriously just came back with "Error" messages. Seems that Fallout 2 engine reads only bits of the text that will follow, not the entire file into memory. With such an odd behavior comes an odd solution. I simply physically reordered the text in the dialog file and the problem was solved!

OK now, after reading this war story from the dev's HQ, it's only fair for you to be rewarded. Some of you will remember it but for some of you it will be a novelty. Back in 1997, Fallout 1 shipped with a cool screensaver which I'm attaching to this post.

P.S. This screensaver is also present inside Fallout 1 / 2 but not everybody can find it ;)

Enjoy and see you next week with even more great news,



You know that this also exists inside the game? Try leaving your Pip-Boy open.
You know that this also exists inside the game? Try leaving your Pip-Boy open.



Cool man.

Kazuma Chaos

thanks for the screensaver dude!