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Heya mutants! 

A bit of a late update but it's all due to extra work being done.

The focus was mostly on playtesting, bugfixes, dialogs and all those "what if the player does this" situations which need to be covered. And there's plenty of those! I assume it will take me about a whole week to cover them all. But with practice, I believe the time to cover those in new areas and situations will shorten in the future.

Among other big news, as you can see from the screenshot, crafting is in! Now you all loot junkies can make something useful from all that wasteland scrap you're hauling around ;)

Also, thanks to everybody who helped with the pet cemetery special encounter. If you haven't, you can still send over the name and description for your beloved pet's memorial in the game. 

See you soon,



I heard shamans love this stuff!


Paladin Ratibor

I agree, crafting is cool, in the Fallout: Nevada was well done.

Kazuma Chaos

PET CEMETERY???? CAN I PLEASE SUBMIT CAN I PLEASE SUBMIT?!?!?! i just paid for super duper mutant so can i please get my milkman in the game? hes precious