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Hello once again, mutants.

Another busy week is behind us, bringing more Perks, Traits, and new skill books to the game. To round out our Traits selection, I went back and reviewed Traits from the only known fantasy game utilizing Fallout's SPECIAL system: Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader.

Back in the day, Reflexive Entertainment co-developed this game together with Black Isle Studio, so it was only natural that I would revisit it to see if there were any interesting Traits to bring back to Fallout. I found the Racial Traits to be the most interesting ones and decided to implement them under a catch-all "Mutation" group of Traits. With these, you will be able to create a unique mutant out of your character, similar to Harold. Because of this, some NPCs will treat you as a mutant, for better or worse.

Additionally, I have implemented new Perks and skill books that now cover all skills in the game. There are plenty more Perks and items to implement, so I'll continue working on those this week. Alright, let's see what's new in the world of Fallout Yesterday!

New Perks (Total 151)

Divine Favor


Stunt Man

Cancerous Growth

Way of the Fruit


Deadly Accuracy: Small Guns

Deadly Accuracy: Big Guns

Deadly Accuracy: Energy Weapons

Deadly Accuracy: Throwing


Grace Under Fire


Superior Senses


Weapon Finesse: Unarmed

Weapon Finesse: Melee Weapons

New Traits (Total 109)


Nasty Disposition

Renaissance Man

Renaissance Woman

Studious Tinkerer

Thick Skinned

Lucky Devil

Ghoulish Frenzy

Shoot First, Q&A Later

Mutation: Acid Blood

Mutation: Bloody Talons

Mutation: Forked Tongue

Mutation: Scaly Hide

Mutation: Night Child

Mutation: Beast of Burden

Mutation: Chameleon

Mutation: Eagle Eye

Mutation: Elephant Hide

Mutation: Monkey Brains

Mutation: Fervor

Mutation: Regeneration

Mutation: Tusks

Mutation: Fur Hide

Mutation: Skin Of Thorns

Mutation: Bullet Storm

New Skill Books 

How to Be a World-Class Triathlete

U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes

Nikola Tesla and You

Medical Encyclopedia

Grognak the Barbarian

Making Friends with Big Fat Liars

Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual

Home Security

Maddock's Tricks & Traps

Don't Steal This Book!

Pugilism Illustrated

Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor

Zen & Gambling

And that would be a wrap for this weekend, my dear muties.
I will see you soon,




Love it that you revisit other games, like Lionheart, and repurpose what's good.

PJ & Co

Yes, Lionheart deserves more love than it gets and I thought some of its Perks and Traits could really enhance the gameplay, especially for trying out different strategies. For example, your aim gets better the less health you have (Grace Under Fire). Or, each time someone hits you, they take damage as well (Acid Blood and Skin of Thorns). Crazy and fun!

Willem Brits

Thanks for the update PJ, I appreciate it. :) I agree with some inspiration from Lionheart as it is a neglected game. The systems of the game and the setting were actually very cool, but of course there just wasn't time for the teams to finish it so it was a broken game with half-deployed systems and balances. Very excited to see and experience these perks and traits in FY! Thanks again for the hard work PJ, very exciting!

PJ & Co

I’d really like to see more non-Fallout games out there use SPECIAL. Maybe, one day 😄