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Dev Diary 141: Poll Time!

  • YES, only include the Thirst mechanic on Normal difficulty 0
  • YES, only include the Thirst mechanic on Hard difficulty 2
  • YES, include the Thirst mechanic on Normal difficulty and the Hunger mechanic on Hard difficulty 8
  • YES, include both the Thirst and Hunger mechanics on Normal difficulty 3
  • YES, include both the Thirst and Hunger mechanics on Hard difficulty 19
  • NO, don't include these mechanics at all 2
  • 2024-04-07
  • 34 votes
{'title': 'Dev Diary 141: Poll Time!', 'choices': [{'text': 'YES, only include the Thirst mechanic on Normal difficulty', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'YES, only include the Thirst mechanic on Hard difficulty', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'YES, include the Thirst mechanic on Normal difficulty and the Hunger mechanic on Hard difficulty', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'YES, include both the Thirst and Hunger mechanics on Normal difficulty', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'YES, include both the Thirst and Hunger mechanics on Hard difficulty', 'votes': 19}, {'text': "NO, don't include these mechanics at all", 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 7, 13, 45, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 34}


Heya mutants, we have a question that requires your feedback! As we continue working on the gameplay improvements, the inevitable question has landed on our table. Should we reintroduce the "thirst" mechanism from Fallout 1? It's not much of a post-apocalypse without a proper survival element, isn't it?

In case you forgot or didn't play Fallout 1, let me refresh your memory. In Fallout 1, while traveling on the world map, the game would every so often check if you have a water flask in your inventory. If you had, all was good and a flask was consumed. If you hadn't, you would either spend some time in the wasteland looking for a water source (based on your Outdoorsman skill check) or take some health damage because you are dehydrated.

From what I know, this mechanic was supposed to be expanded in Fallout 2 to include food as well, but ultimately it was scrapped and thus there is no need to think of water or food at all in Fallout 2.

Of course, as I understand that some of you don't want to be bothered with this at all, I want to tie this mechanic to a game difficulty setting. So let's hear what you have to say about it!


Willem Brits

Great poll and discussion, I like it. I am very torn between having both thirst and hunger on normal vs. both on hard. STALKER is one of the greatest games of all time and implements this very well. I can understand that it would put certain players off though, so I would say put it in hard by default, but the simplest and most elegant solution is to allow a UI element to simply toggle it when selecting difficulty (or an editable config file, but a basic UI element is more elegant). Overall though, I do think it should be in the game as it fits very well (just as the original designs also included it). Very happy to hear that such love and care is going into making FY an authentic Fallout experience PJ, awesome work and thank you again for your and the team's efforts! :)

PJ & Co

Good comment there about Stalker, William! I have to refresh my memory on how they implemented it


I love the idea! Is there any chance to make it optional (and toggleable) instead of having it tied to the difficulty setting? Similar to Hardcore Mode in New Vegas. If not, I think having the setting for Hard Difficulty sounds good :)

PJ & Co

Hey bro, good to hear from you! That’s a good idea, I’ll see if I can add that to the existing UI if there’s enough screen space or perhaps build a new UI like I did for Mr. Fixit! for new settings