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Hanging out with the girls :3

Let's continue with this one!
More pages to come next month! :D

Main post with all pages up to date:

PS: Still open for Title suggestions for this Comic :p 




A spa huh? >;3 The spas in The Kannel-Verse tend to have very unique qualities to them. <3 ^^ They're all so incredibly adorable! <3 <3 <3 <3


3 things about this fantastic comic : 1. I totally hope she'll get that boyfriend 2. I would love to discover all the others girls was also men before been hiring (and see their past selft face in case like you often use to do!) 3. This comic totally deserve 1-2 first introduction pages where we meet him and his mother push him to finally get a job now he have graduated or something like that 🙂


Lucy and Bree are so cute! Love their outfits. Hope/thinking they will end up together but wouldn’t hate it if Lucy gets a boyfriend either:)


For title, how about: The Opportunity, Once in a Lifetime Opportunity, Office Romance, Working It, the Job Interview (generic :/ )


God I wish this was possible!! You make fantastic art and stories!! Keep them up!!


I've always wished I could have a friend group like that. Just close knit people looking out for eachother and encouraging happiness. It's why I loved daughters of the moon so much. I wish I could be happy like that


...and extra spin to #2 - if the two leaving snatched their guy from this bar :D (page 37 content almost begs such reveal)


New job, new self

Andrew Person

Someone's taking someone home