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We are continuing with this one later this week!

and here's a sneak peek if you can't wait :3

Just a few pages this month, more to come the next one!
also, we are reaching the point were we need to chose a name for this Comic!
I'm terrible at coming up with good ones so I need your halp! ;p

You can start sharing your ideas for a Title in the comments below,
but I might ask for this again once the Comic is over c:




I love these characters! Can’t wait to see more


Oh this is gonna be CUTE!!!!!!!!


New Job, New You. for a title works


Yay adorable hotness! <3 <3

Kaffeyette Lektor

Hmmm, Cosmopolitans all 'round at the bar? 'Appropriately Dressed' or 'Dressed Appropriately'? Maybe 'Cosmopolitan Attire' if they are going to spend more time at the bar drinking Cosmo’s than at the office, and our cute, little girl will become more of a clubber / vixen. Maybe,'Learning Curves' if you intend to focus on Lucy's struggle to learn how to be a girl. I love the gradual transformation as each item captured him/her. I also like the 'fish out of water' style. I like how she will have to learn all the girly stuff, but she has a Mum, big sister, work friends and potentially a new girlfriend to teach her the ropes. (Will there be ropes?) She seems very submissive, so it will be interesting to see what type of girl all these teachers try to teach her to be. Will some try to take advantage of her? Maybe that's something we will all have to vote on, as she decides whose advice she should follow about make-up style, hairstyle, clothing style, what sort of relationships she has, who she chooses to be with, what sort of fun they have, etc. It looks like her boss wants her to be a very girly girl (and maybe, so do you), but maybe one of the others wants her to become something else. maybe, the boss has everything all planned out. Maybe, her Mum and/or sister have different ideas on what type of girl she should be. Maybe, her new 'girlfriend' has her own ideas.


Dress for Success