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So i want to give this story an end, but as to keep it true to his roots i want to be you guys to decide what's gonna happen. 

There should be no more transformations since they are outside of the ZOAT, but the question is what happened to them ? did they adapted to their new lifes? how did they do that ?  maybe some of them are having problems adapting ?  are maybe some are having fun?   :P 

Did Karla had her baby? there is a baby or maybe she will be a pregnant woman forever? will she keep "his" tool?

what about Takemi? Is she enjoying being gangbanged by big strong sporty guys, or does she still looks for a way to become a man again? he is still a guy on his mind but with a very hight libido and bubbly personality :P

And is Shawna adapting to her life? she seemed a bit submissive but not really eager to become a maid... thou she really enjoyed Takemi's treats  :D 

I plan to do the last part as some kind of "chose your own adventure" thing. I do have my own ideas were the story can go, but i will like to hear yours as well before i start.

So, if you want to share your ideas, this is the place to do it! 

looking forward for them!

PS: The story should start just a few months after the ZOAT event




Clearly, Karla has a brood of bunny bois that Shawna is happy to do maid work to help raise. Not sure about Takemi though. House breadwinner?

Royse Loren Leech

Karla should have a baby which all of them take care of, while still being the other two mother figure. The other two should do things to get "mom" mad. After having the baby Karla should also start up with a sex life maybe with maid and Takemi. The maid should feel at home with her submissiveness maybe state feels more comfortable and at home then ever before, while serving as a submissive maid for other men and women, of course taking care of Takemi's hyperactive libido, maybe Takemi teaches .aid how to give a blowjob. Takemi should have the most delima adapting only because of societies male or female only rules and her over active libido too, that always leads to fun trouble. In the end comes to love all of her and has fun with her over active libido


I think Karla should have a motherly role. I'd like to see her with a litter of fast aging bunny children, and possibly pregnant again. I do think she should keep her tool, and use it as a form of discipline. Takemi shouldhave quickly become very skilled at make up, dressing sexy, and fucking guys. But she should be mad at herself for having to become like that, just to sate her libido. Shawna should be happy to express her true nature as a submissive, and be the persoanl sex maid of Karla and Takemi. Shawna should crave frequent discipline from Karla and Takemi.


I agree with bkdgds: Karla should get her baby and it should be a fast aging bunny child. Right after getting it, she gets pregnant again (and again and again...). Shawna should really get into being a submissive maid. Accepting and cofessing how much she loves it. The others ... it would be fine if they could make earn their bugs out of their transformed bodies. Maybe for Takemi as a justification to act according to her libido. Love this story... pleeeaaaze make more and more and more of it... :-) Thank you for sharing!!!


I like the idea of Karla having fast growing children and becoming pregnant imediately after giving birth ( i mean she is a rabbot right?). This would mean she loses her dick. I would like to see those three run a night club, where Karlas offspring are these pregnant bunny bartenders. If the bunny girls (whoch im guessing would look like karla before she aged) werent pregnant, then maybe Takemi could be a call girl or someone who would impregnate others with a "zoat virus". Lastly i can seee shawna getting into the aubmissive maid field, but Karla and Takemi foght sexually to have dominion over her.