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Just some cute femboy enjoying being a cute kitty :3

Hope you like it :D 



Royse Loren Leech

AAAAHHH!!!!! Such a cutie.... How many rough drafts do you do before you know it is just right? Just being curious


mmm .... not many, really... i usually know what i want wen i start ... then it just take me some time to deal with the arms positions, proportions , etc... so is like one rought draft and then reworking it to make it look right ... if that makes sense

Royse Loren Leech

It does work very well always a great job... HAVE A HAPPY THANKGIVNG to you and your family


Awesome!! 😊 Happy Thanksgiving!


It's like you take all of my fantasies and turn them into beautiful pieces of art. Wish my girlfriend would make me her pretty sissy pet.


oh oh she changed me heeeelp