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Hey everyone!

So, as you might know, Raan's Doll chapter 3 ended with Raan and Sammy considering a safeword c:

Contrary to the common believe, ins't "Sunstone" :p
that's was Sammy just improvising before they actually agreed on one
(it was more like a nod to a comic i like :p)

anyway, I'm pretty much decided on one but not absolutely married to the idea, so ...
i guess I'm giving it one last chance of changing it.  

So, if you have any nice or fun idea for one, or something that makes sense in the context of the comic, let me know! c:



My favorite safeword is Meatloaf because “I would do anything for love… But I won’t do that!”


Fashion! Cause it close to cosplay ^^ and Sammy is making a dress

Faye Fatale

My partner and I use Rwby (ruby) and Jnpr (juniper) for full stop and slow down, because we're nerds as well as kinksters.

Matt S





For now, I'd go with the classic Green/Yellow/Red status check, since they're both sounding out each other's limits. (And, I don't care how smart you think you are or how long either of you have been doing this-there is ALWAYS a sounding out of limits. I've heard just enough stories of "I like doing this!" because the submissive didn't want to disappoint the dominant, and...) FYI- GREEN-"I'm okay, nothing wrong." YELLOW-"I'm feeling not good/bad uncomfortable, we need to slow down and check what's going on." RED-"STOP." This is a no if/ands/buts stop call-the Dominant needs to get the Submissive out of what they're doing immediately-even if that means cutting ropes (or NOT cutting ropes, depending upon what's happening) and get the Submissive into a place where they can come back to normal. If you're using gags and such, the Submissive has a noisemaker of some kind-something both loud and distinctive. If the Submissive uses it or isn't holding it, that counts as a RED, full stop. Once they both have better ideas of what the dynamic is, there should be a safeword that is both simple and not easy to use, otherwise. And very distinctive. Froe, spad, and plat are good ones-not commonly used, can be done in a single breath, and distinctive to get the Dominant's attention.


Purple perpendicular chrysanthemums how often is that likely to crop up in a conversation, well unless your high and stuck in the garden reading a dictionary.

Rob the Hungry

How about sleepy time? Dolly is done now its sleepy time


How about - green/ok = "Pikapika" - red/stop = "charizard" ? 😜 (Are those copyrighted ?)


Wow I'd get choked alot because I can barely say that stop word under normal circumstances but with a ball gag in my mouth less so. 🙂


Sexy2Sassy — it’s the store where Raan shopped for Sam after their first F2F encounter.


Cold shower. Baseball. Grandma's ankles. Basically anything that is an instant mood killer would be my go to. Good for a laugh IMO.


rosebud - everything's ok, bacon - not sure getting out of the comfort zone, broccolli - stop now!


While I'm a big fan of the traffic light system, it's simple and clear when something is going wrong I do understand having a special safeword for storytelling purposes. Maybe a flower that is popular with the LGBTI community? Such as Lavender or Voilet or Pink Rose? Or if Sammy and Raan are Steven Universe fans, then maybe Lapis Lazuli, Peridot or Rose Quartz? All of those characters underwent a transition in their story arcs, so would be a good fit for Sammy

Kaffeyette Lektor

Slow down - Prickles, Legos, Goatheads, Caltrops - Stop! - Razorwire, Landmines, Rattlesnakes, Crocodiles. - I don't have a lot of experience with safe words. When my partners and I went down that path, they could always work out from my facial expression and/or body language what was wrong - not a good poker player, and never ventured too deeply (yet?), so we never needed one, but just thinking what would make someone slow down, I thought of, "Prickles," or, "Legos," because you always have to tip-toe through those things. (Lego blocks really hurt when you stand on them). In Oz, "gum nuts," would work too, but most people elsewhere wouldn't ever have stepped on one. 'Goatheads', 'Devil Thorns', 'Caltrops' or 'Puncture Vines' (tribulus terrestris) are a plant with spiky thorns that have evolved to always have a long spike sticking upwards, which can puncture tyres. When I thought about things that you would actually have to stop for, things like 'Razorwire', 'Landmines', 'Rattlesnakes' and 'Crocodiles' came to mind, but you could always use things your partner is afraid of. I had one partner who was afraid of snakes. She couldn't even look at pictures of snakes in a book, so saying, "snake," would definitely get her to stop anything she was doing.


I like Volvo personally

Martin Lock

Well there's always Moonstone, or maybe Hypotenuse, or even "Ouch!" - though there might be occasions when speech wasn't easy, and Morse code might be more reliable -- dot-dot-dot... dash, dash, dash... dot-dot-dot would be S.O.S. which is pretty universal.