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Hey everyone!

This was a problem for new members or if you switched from a tier below $5.
If you switched from the Patreon Hideout or Golden Tier this didn't affected you.

The thing is that up until now you where locked out from most of the previous post...
I'm really sorry I missed this, but you still had access to all content through the Vault at least (the MEGA Folders)

So, the way Patreon works I have to go and change permissions for each post so you can have access to them... and there are too many at this point to do so... I'm trying to go back as much as possible but will most likely be around a year or 2. 

I doubt many would want to go further than this, but in case you do there's a work around this, all you have to do is to switch to the Patreon Hideout Tier ($5 tier), you won't be charged since you already payed $10 this month and the system remembers that and that way you will have access to pretty much every post I made in the past (except for some few updates with no exclusive content so you won't be missing on that)

Now, since is my first time doing this I really recommend that you switch back to this tier again (Golden Patreon + Shout-out) just to be sure you're in for the credits. (again, you won't be charged since the system remember you already payed $10 this month, already tried it myself)

If you don't need access to every post i made in the past, you don't need to do anything, since I'm already updating the permissions but those won't cover more than a year or 2 as mentioned before.

Really sorry about that!
never made a new tier before so i wasn't aware of this... :/

Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for understanding c:


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