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Hey everyone!

So I wanted to make this quick update before the end of this month,
Actually it's something I think I announced way back but never actually implemented :p

so, I plan to change the exclusivity for Nude/Alternate/NSFW content.
The way it is now I upload those way later than the "clothed" versions,
the main reason being giving people a reason to actually come and support my work while getting something in return, in this case access to something time exclusive.

Personally, I believe that the early access to the comics are a good enough reason for that, specially considering that I won't be uploading the comics immediately after they are done anymore (since I plan to put them for sale, at least for a period of time, more on that on a next update). But also because I think these pieces are a good way to spread the word about my work, specially on sites like twitter, where you pretty much want to give people a reason to share your work .

Also, uploading them way later kind of make it lose weight if people already saw the censored version already. 

You will still be getting early access while being here!
maybe a couple of weeks or a month (depending the piece), but then I'll just be sharing all alternative versions I made out there. 

That's the plan anyway, but I would like to heard your thoughts about this too!
so, let me know in the comments below! 

PS: Content about something with some hype around (maybe a new game, movie or series around) might have a shorter or non time exclusivity, since I will want it to be part of the Hype train :p

PS2: I have also been considering making more NSFW stuff...
         Might do a poll about that later :3




I think that even if I don't like the idea , I understand the benefit for your business and that the way to keep you drawing is keeping you motivated knowing that you are receiving what you deserve. So I guess I will used to it.


I like it, makes sense to me


Definitely a big +1 from me for more NSFW content ! 😅😅


I'm probably not the typical type, but most of my patreon subscriptions are to support the artists I like, and to give them a reason/means to keep making the content I like. I'm not subscribed for early or exclusive content. Is that a bonus I appreciate? Definitely, but not a requirement.

Kaffeyette Lektor

I'm the same as Sprutkit, above, I pay to support the artist, so the artist can keep making content. I don't really care about when stuff comes out. I just want to get access to everything that you are publishing eventually. I'm happy to pay extra to get content that doesn't come out on a basic tier, but if everything will come out on the basic tier at some time, then there's no real reason for me to pay extra. I don't care when I get it, since I generally don't get to look at things as soon as they come out anyway. If everything will come out on the basic tier eventually, then that's all I'll need to pay for. I'm happy to pay more for more content. I don't care about early access.


Me too. I honestly don't care about the tiers and levels and stuff. I want to read Kannel's or Totem Pole's or Stjepan Sejic's stuff and I pay what I can. So simple.

Her Fierceness

I'm definitely here just to support your work, which I enjoy. I'm not terribly concerned with exclusivity.


Early access is a really little perk, IMHO. The polls are the huge one, and having everything in one place is pretty big too. I know there are folks out there that get grumpy even seeing censors, so hell with it. Let it all hang out :D