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Main post  (including all pages):

You didn't have to wait till next month!
The final Pages are here!

Now it's the time to come up with a tittle :p , will ask for suggestions for that on another post, as well as for some Patreon/PDF exclusive pages I want to make.

Cover should be ready for next month!

I hope you liked this comic!
I had a lot fun making it :3
Special thanks to the Grammar team on discord for the help! 

PS: Also available on the MEGA folders, along the HQ version as well




We do agree here: you have to continue the story with them working on their payback, right? Great Comic, thank you!


I am already excited for a sequel! This was such a fun comic

Olivia Grace

will there be a sequel?


Thank you Kannel. Well done.


mmm... i don't think so... i don't know really... but i plan to make some images as a way of showing their relationship with the girls

Faye Fatale

What a great comic. A sequel would be a lot of fun, but I couldn't even imagine where you'd go with it.


I’m happy enough with you leaving the story there if you’re not sure about how you’d continue it. No point forcing anything, but would definitely be interesting seeing some pages of the ‘catalogue’ and just other small bonus images and the occasional page if you were ever short on ideas or struggling to develop other projects. I’ll definitely keep coming back and reading this one though!


I’m so disappointed. I thought they’d be stuck in them!


Oh I like where this is going


But being stuck in them would be fun I suppose

Dov Sherman

I hope we get to see a few images from the catalog before this ends. And I would love to see how their girlfriends react to seeing those catalog pages.

Bal tha mele

Yesssss! Done, SOLD!


Aww I'm sad the comic had to end. It was SO sexy, the last part with some playful time with their costume and with their respective girlfriend was perfect, such a good buildup to it. Looking forward to your next creation. (I wouldn’t mind seeing some of this new catalog too 😅)


(the D.Va shirt and the collar is a nice touch to show their new relationships 😏)


That comic was lovely but the end a bit abrupt. Maybe a little short epilogue extra bonus page would really close it right :)


Great comic! And such a quick turnaround! You’re a drawing machine! I like how you hint at the possibility of a sequel... or at least the possibility that the story goes on. Im so happy I became a Patreon!


I loved this comic so much, I am almost sad it is gone. But happy I will be here to see your new and ongoing projects <3


Yes yes yes, I would love to see a few shots from the catalog


oooo, I really like this twist, great work!


What a lovely smile


I like it! Everyone's happy. I was half expecting at least one of them to decide to transition, but this is nice too 😊


Hi Kannel, Would you ever consider/plan on doing a separate page where you show the boys getting ready? I’d love to see their reactions to the transformation taking place! Just a question. Love your work! 😄


This is a good ending for this comic. I look forward to more stories with these characters. Maybe we get to see them model some outfits.