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Main post  (including all pages):

40 Pages already!
This always happens to me... this was supposed to be a short thing
but I ended having too much fun making it  XD
I hope you have enjoyed it as well!

We are very close to the end, after that I'll wrap things up making a Cover
and some bonus stuff, as well as giving this comic a proper name :p
but that will happen once the Comic is done.

You shouldn't have to wait too long for that c: 

Special thanks to the Grammar team on discord for the help! 

PS: Also available on the MEGA folders, along the HQ version as well




If only there was some sort of magical Halloween Force that made costumes last longer than just being worn...

Faye Fatale

Looks like they both have some big decisions to make.


I had such a hard day at work and now THIS! I - FUCKING - LOVE - YOU! Thanksies, a lot of em!


Thank you so so much! Ahh i just love it!


The costumes!!


There's a "Doesn't matter had sex" meme somewhere to be found on that last page.


Absolutely adorable couples


I think it would be fun to due a time jump to see the couples in a year

Bal tha mele

Such a beautiful piece of art and writing. Incredible!


Awesome art! Awesome writing! Awesome all around! Just what i needed to end my day! Thanks for this Kannel!

Dov Sherman

I love the way this story has progressed with the protagonists going from feeling foolish to being seduced by their newfound pleasures.

Ella Cherry

So good! And cute! 💕

Kaffeyette Lektor

I think this is one of your best comics yet. I've loved it from the start and the artwork has been amazing. I so want to be in Jessica's shoes right now (figuratively and literally). Crazy is so much fun (speaking from personal experience), until you want to leave. YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME, JESSICA! (or everyone will see the videos) I'd still do it. Jess would look amazing in the videos. Alex, on the other hand, unless he truly got off on being a sub', needs to RUUUUNNNN or he'll end up on NorthernGuy's DA page. This was great stuff in every frame. I can't wait to see the finale. (And I love Dino810's idea of a 'one year later' story, maybe with Jessica as Alysse's bridesmaid, maybe as Chapter 2 of 'Turnabout Wedding Night')


Great addition! I love the way Red looks without the wig, so hot...even more seductive looking in the face. Looking forward to more. Ciao for now


Loving this comic can't wait to see more

Sam T

For real the breasts with makeup and short hair is such a good look. I'd like to see more


I hope this continues


Love the more sexy turn of those pages! Love the playful reveal of undressing those 2 ! Love the boobs snuggle, I would totally do the same haha And as always, I LOVE the outfits. It was definitely a good few pages to see the outfits being taken off and seeing what’s underneath 😅😅