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So, of course I forgot this on yesterday's Update!

As mentioned on a previous post, I have been working on a comic for TG Comics, for the last 4 years. Now,  that doesn't mean is super long, it's just that it took me a long time since I got busy here with my Patreon campaign
(It's still a long comic anyway, around the length of Brand New World)

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that we are aiming for a mid-November release!
The Comic is almost complete, and makes not much sense to wait 2 more months to release it, also the feedback I got from here showed that most prefer to have access to this comic sooner than later.

Of course this date can change, but I just wanted to let you know in case you want to get it c: , also, I might not put this patreon on pause during that month as i was considering before, mainly because I change my mind about that, I believe that kind of measure should be saved for more important reasons (like health or family reasons)
Also the feedback showed that it wasn't such a big deal c: 

**Keep it mind this comic isn't part of this Patreon campaign and has to be bought separately**

I should be able to share more details about what this comic is about during next month!




Personally I don't think you should pause for a short break. Everyone should be entitled to some paid vacation time.


I also believe that with enough planning I should be able to make some content beforehand in case I need a break or I want some vacation time c:

Justin Chadwick

Can’t wait to read the new comic!


WHat was it about again? I forgot


How many pages can we expect?