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Hey everyone! 

So, I wanted to explain how the new Chose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) comic will work, these will be mainly about transformation and really you should consider them more like a sequence in disguise than a comic ;p

So, each page will be separated in 3 parts, that way, for instance, if we decide that the “victim” will grow hair (or something else :p), I can show that on 1/3 of a page, while on other cases, let’s say the clothes change as well, I could use 2/3 of a page to show the transformation along the end result. 

That way the transformation sequence can be more detailed (using suggestions and polls to decide what will happen), and will also give me more freedom as I’m not forced to use the whole page for just one change, but at the same time, I can do that if I want to.

For instance, on the new CYOA comic (Guy turning into a housewife by a poorly made wish) I’m using the whole first page as an Intro.

Anyway, since the Patreon Hideout and Golden Patreons are the Tiers that get to suggest and vote on the polls, they will get these “fragments of a page in progress” as a bonus, and when a page is complete I’ll share it with the “Early Access $3 tier” 

That being said, this bonus might not happen every month, as mentioned before, next month I will upload the whole first page and I don’t know If I’ll get to do more because Halloween, but we will see…

Anyway, hope you’re excited about this!
I like this idea since it allows me to do more stuff with polls and stuff!
And this kind of comics that focus on the transformation part are always fun to make c:

Thanks for Reading and for your support!

PS: More Raan’s Doll coming next week!
I will upload a preview as well, most likely tomorrow c:  




I'm excited Kannel!


This is very interesting! If you decided one day to do a Kickstarter for a Visual Novel, consider me on board...


I think this will be really cool!


Sounds like a neat plan. ANd I haven't been part of a CYOA before on this scale. So sounds like fun. ^)^

Dov Sherman

That can be such a fun way to do a comic. I used the same approach on my auto-tailor comic, getting the choices from the chatroom in my sketch stream. It's fun because it can lead to ideas that I would never have come up with on my own.


I'm note sure I fully understand, but I know that I am fully on board with this !! :p (Because anything with more detail on the transformation is gonna be super sexy, so hell yes)


Well, with pages and dividing them into parts, everything is clear, in principle, cool conversions, we look forward to it.