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Hey everyone!!!

So, Patreon contacted me and asked me to take off the giveaway
since it was againts their guidelines... Is unfortunate since some good content
was done through this method...
but maybe is for the better... It never really felt good having that as a reward,
(been considering removing it myself before anyway...)

So, this month is the last month with a Giveaway since people already pledge...
but the chances are really slim so I'll have to discourage you on this... 

Now, how this will impact this Patreon... we will see...
but I'll wait until then to see if i take any measure.

Anyway... any questions or opinion you have about this, just share them on the comments below!

Now, about content, this was a slow week, but i have been working hard on future content (for next month). Anyway, some cool stuff is coming Next Week!!! 

stay tuned!  :D  



Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Can’t you do something like open a limited pledged slot for a commissions? Either way, I’ll still stick around for the support. ;)


What dies that mean 'Giveaway'? This whole channel became so complicated lastly. Can't keep up to all the changes. I feel I get less pictures for the same money as I got till last summer, but with everything else I lost track. Sry...


the giveaway has been from the start of this Patreon actually, those who pledge over $10 get a chance of winning it... and it was "something like a commission" in short... About the amount of content I'm sorry you think that way...

Martin Lock

Looking forward to the next Cool Stuff... Maybe the 'giveaway' gets quietly retired, but hopefully people can still make suggestions as to what they'd like to see you create, and, suitably inspired, you'll make us some pictures. My twitter feed leads me to a lot of cosplay Patreon pages, where for ten bucks or so you'll get monthly sets of photos of the cosplayer in her underwear, which seems a bit weird. Pay more, and get less undies, I suspect. One woman actually had a $1000.00 monthly level, for which a person would need to contact her directly to work out exactly what they'd expect for the money. Patreon is fine with that sort of thing...?


just ask for "suggestions"


Always great to have an update! Looking forward to next month’s content ! :)


Ah, I see. The change didn't address me. Sorry for trolling a bit around.

Joe Etienne

Basically, they're saying you can't charge for a lottery item. It counts as gambling. Had this issue come up in another patreon. The solution he came up with was just to open it up to everyone, whether they pledge or not.


Ahhh I see where they are coming from. Well you got to follow the rules of what you are currently on. Sad to see though, hope more voting or some solution.


Aww too bad but can't be helped if Patreon doesn't want it ^-^

Kaffeyette Lektor

If you wanted to keep some kind of added attraction for the higher contributing patreons, and you don't open up the giveaway for everyone to get around the 'gambling' scenario, maybe you could do a one-page, short comic each month or two months or whatever you can manage, based on a series of polls for the higher contributing patreons. You could start with something generic, like beach / office / club; reward / revenge / random; or magic / technology / virus, and gradually refine the scenario until you get to a concept that you want to draw. Either way, I don't think the giveaway is a major factor in how much people choose to contribute.


Offer up a commissions tier, where you get a discount (small, say 10-25%) for commissions. If you do this, I'll need some warning, as I want to save up enough for a very long form comic commission. :)