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Giveaway Winner: Cynthia Johnston
Hope you like it! 

Now, the Original request had one extra detail!
you can look at that version scrolling down or checking the links c:
(also one extra dialogue :p)

Public Version: https://i.imgur.com/a27Rp2X.jpg
Original Version: https://i.imgur.com/ZO8tSCc.jpg

Special thanks to my spell checkers on discord for the help <3 




That's awesome! And, it totally fits his mentality too 😆


I love how in this canon Terry has just given up on being returned to normal lol


“Weren’t you going to fight for your freedom or something, Terry?” “What, and give up this smokin’ bod? I can still fight, what do I care if it’s here or there?”


lol. Awesome And those breasts going everywhere O_O


I see they used the DOA jiggle physics.


Also for this one I prefer the girl one. Just think full gender bender best. :p


Exactly how Ryu would react.


"I walk the path of the true warrior!" Ryu is not effected by massive boobage or smooth crouches.

Cynthia Johnston

Yes, yes, yes, yes! And this is why I go as minimal as possible when I ask for a commision! Because the artist's own take is what makes it so great!

Cynthia Johnston

Ahh, but see what Skullo-chan says in the bottom panel of the 'D' version? Ryu is just SOOOOOOO manly, even the dimensional rules can't totally effect Ryu-chan!


hehe well you did rambled about a little bit :p but glad your happy with the result :D

Cynthia Johnston

Very happy! I just 'spitballed' a few ideas, you were fantastic with it. (Got to say, Skullo-chan was right; Ryu is just TOO manly to flip to 100% girl...)


Only problem is being consumed by the dark hado for a few days every month XP