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Isn't just a shitty thing to do,
but also takes me a lot of my time to be claiming copyrights for them. 

I always try making my work available for everyone eventually...
but for my Patreon to work out I need the content to remain exclusive for a while...
so people have an incentive to support my work. 

Now, i know this might be just one person, most likely someone who subsbribed with the sole purpose of doing this.

So, the reason i'm making this post is to ask you guys to let me know if you see any of my exclusive content around on the internet. Yes it will suck wasting time claiming that stuff, but is something I have to do for this Patreon campaign to work.

So far people has been very fast on letting me know, so, thank you!!! :D




Stealing/sharing copyrighted work is a dick move.

Nichole O'Conner

Aw, that sucks that someone's doing that. :(


Kannel that’s so wrong on all levels . Someone trying to be ever so the first oooohhhlpok at me . I have no talent but to steal another’s work . I am sorry they did this . Your last series OMG it was so AWESOME !!!!


Who would do such a thing! :O


That's so awful. Don't worry if I see something on the internet, I'll let you know.


Don’t worry, you know everyone here is looking out for you. You’ve earned everyone’s support with your work. I’m sure anyone who follows you would stand by you through the toughest of times. I’ll make sure to let you know if any of your work somewhere. :)


Scumbags like that should be beaten...


Did you discover the one on E/hentai? Sorry it was really late and I passed out very close after. -_- And yes it's a very shitty thing to do and deviates from what we are helping with here.


And it's still up. Do we report here or is there a special way?

Rob the Hungry

you have to be careful reporting on e-hentai Incognitymous made a report that his paid work was being uploaded and e-hentai did a blanket permban on all his work including the free stuff even he can't post his stuff there now it gets immediately removed


Well i have never uploaded anything there so i dont really mind... im ok with people sharing my public comics anyway as long as they mention me. Just not the time exclusive ones

Andy M

It sucks when people don’t respect that an artist still needs to make a living. The challenge at the same time is trying to balance exclusivity with availability - too much control and you risk losing new readers, while being too lax means you risk not getting paid. Would it be worth adding a line on each page indicating official source and whether this was intended as a paid comic, be a help?


mh... well im already adding my web adress to each page nowadays just for this reason... and i do that reluctantly... i wish i could upload the pages clean but then some pages will share my work and not even mention my name (some even change the title of the comics) anyway... i don't really want to add more stuff to each page...


I hate when people ruin a good thing.




Don't worry, good people never stop support good thinks! I never stop :)

Odessa Renette

We got your back kannel. You're the reason I created my Patreon in the first place.


You having to post this sucks. Your work should be respected.

Ryuzaki Raven

im so sorry that this had to be pointed out. your work is bautiful and inspiering <3 im so sorry someone is reposting it out permission

Angry Nerd Bird

I didn't realize at first that this was such a big deal, but these days I avoid posting anything of yours (or other artists work) anywhere online, at least not until they make it public. Hurting anyone's bottom line is the last ting I want. D:


Just seen Paramour Hotel on E-Hentai, which I assume prompted this post? Taken down now!


it did, but doesn't means is the first time this happens... who knows... maybe whoever is uploading the pics will stop :/


8muses has a section on you in their TG section


Oh someone mentioned 8muses before bit didnt knew what it was xD ill check it later. Thanks


Just joining the chorus - that's really shitty of them to do to you. We all know you work hard on your art and deserve every cent of what you get, and timed exclusivity is a large part of how that works. I seem to recall that this is your full-time job, and people like that threaten your financial stability. You don't deserve that (understatement), and I hope they stop.


You know I’ve asked about your stances on exclusivity and posting before, but I’ve also stood by your word on such things. I want to spread the word, but I also don’t want to put anything out there that you’re not okay with. I assure you that if I post anything at all, it will be something that I’ve gotten your exact permission for or something that is already publicly available.