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Hope you enjoyed this comic!
seems like many of you did :D

link: https://i.imgur.com/iXOUFlE.jpg

I certainly enjoyed making this comic, but it was a lot of work making it on such a short period... it was exausting... not really sure it they fit the current way I share content here...
might need to find another way, but ill make a post about this later looking for feedback.

I will also share some desings and process later c: 

UPDATE: Just so you know, it was you guys who chose this comics to be about succubus!
               in case you didn't remember :P

Comic Folder:




Love it! It's a great ending. Ice always loved not just the artwork, but also your writing style.


Awesome as always. I just wonder now what would have happened if they did have some sexy time that night :P


I really enjoyed this story and the ending is just perfect <3


Love the happy ending.


I love it but just clarification, is Elise still a futa or not anymore at the end?


Wait, so can they two change between their demon form and human form just like their Master? Regardless, I understood why you choose to hid some of the more explicit scenes to mainly keep it safe. Though, personally. I think it’s tame compared to Zoat. But I did thoroughly enjoy it. Especially the twist reveal. Wouldn’t mind seeing more of our demon friends. :)


She is still futa c: but their form is actually decided by their Mistress. but she does likes Elise to be a Futa to play with her "girlfriend"


They cannot change at their will (at least not yet). Their Mistress is the one who controls that


Love the outfits she's chosen for them...




First of all: this deserves an second season! And not in an year to the next Helloween. This comic is awesome! Second: you could check Newsground for your content. Much more liberal. Don't know how it works with your Patreon tiers. The imgur thing works fine for me too. Thank you for sharing!


Holy moley we did lol. And that is neat, glad to see. Though the 15th is just an art piece right?


I love this, more please


i mean there are 15 pages, counting the page 0... not sure if ill add a bonus, really depends of my time...

Blue Dragon

Loved this comic!! This is my favorite scenario: Guy fully transformed by a hot woman while his girlfriend/wife is seduced into going along with it.


Absolutely fantastic, the imgur thing works and it's perhaps my favorite comic yet, would love to see where it goes from here!


This comic was absolutely awesome <3


What a great ending, their outfits are really sexy, including that top for the mistress. And pink make-up like Sammy 😊 <3


i love the role reversal


Really like the way this one turned out! Well done!


Fantastic well done. Looked forward to it every day. Your work is always amazing.


Just wow, this comic was worth your effort, really enjoyed your art and way of storytelling


well... yeah the problem is to keep the content private for patreons... not sure how that will work... imgur seems to be working, havent failed or going down


It's amazing, I am very excited for this comic I wish to congratulate you for the excellent history and art and graphics, really I want to go to that hotel hehehehe!!! You are an excellent artist !! Keep going!! Huge hugs :)


A great wrap up to an awesome story! I love the idea of the boyfriend being changed into a woman to satisfy her now futa girlfriend. Thanks for creating this.

Kaffeyette Lektor

I loved this, especially the role reversal, and how Elise has gone from passive and repressed to dominant and licentious, with optional futa mode. I knew I liked her. It's amazing how much emotion you can convey with the way you draw your characters' eyes and facial expressions. It's so powerful for the story-telling. The now-ex-boyfriend has very Sammy-like eyes in this last page. Why did you choose to use the diagonal patterns over their faces and bodies? It's visually quite stunning, but unusual. Is there a purpose for it, other than the striking visual aesthetic?


Kannel this is so good and well done . I really like the way this went in every way .. So know that feeling ;-)


This comic got me wanting more Rann’s Doll. Just reread it and the start of chapter three Sam and Sammy are so much closer together than they are right now in the story. I really want to know how Sam gets to that point.


I love your work Kannel. It really speaks to me, and the way the boyfriend ended up in this, speaks to me as someone who tends to be the little spoon in romantic moments 😉