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Hey everyone! 

Just wanted to let you know about a few things!

- First, there won’t be Raan’s Doll or the Zoat next month, most likely I will upload a couple of Raan’s Doll pages on November anyway.

The reason for this is that I had the genius idea to make a comic for Halloween, but of course it ended being longer than expected :p … so not just won’t be ready for Halloween, but it will take most of the next 2 months content …  

Now I’m very happy with how that Comic is looking already, quite Lewd for those who like those c:
will share some sneakpeeks during next month.

I’m reconsidering the way I’m releasing these longer comics… like Insta-Cosplay and those who takes 12+ pages. They just end pushing back other comics like Raan’sDoll & The Zoat.
But also because making these longer comics on a short time really drain me out…

- Second, this is something currently developing so I don’t know all the details yet, but looks like patrons located on the European Union will be charged an additional tax

Unfortunately, this is something Patreon do automatically so there’s really nothing I can do about… but wanted to let you know so you can check if it will affect you.

More information here:

That would be it for now!
Thanks for the continuous support!  You’re awesome! 




I will happily forgive you for no Raan’s Doll if you do a Bowsette fan art pin up. (You can’t see me, but I’m making big hopeful puppy-dog eyes)

Steph H

Oooohhh, a new Halloween special, how exciting! As much as I really enjoy Raan's Doll, I can live without is for a few months to see this new Halloween comic of yours Kannel. Thank you for letting us know. Keep up the good work!


I’m sure it will be worth the wait.


Um, we've been paying VAT for years now - what's new about this?

Martin Lock

Yes, they've been adding the 20% VAT that is charged in Britain, so hopefully that won't increase.

Daniel Haggarty

Honestly I subscribe to your Patreon for your 1-off comics. I enjoy ZOAT and Raan's doll, but I get much more enjoyment out of your other comics. I think they are more interesting and show your progress as an artist, as opposed to these long-running comics where it seems like you are constrained to a single story line. Just my 2¢, I'm sure there are others who disagree


Kannel, you have Midas' hands, but instead of turning everything gold you touch, you make every comic a golden experience. So, go ahead and we'll be fine. Maybe you can do a single picture of Raan, Sammy and or the H3F. Just to satisfy our addiction?


Thanks for the updates. Almost forgot that next month is Halloween. I need to load up some new costume assets!


Thanks for the heads up 😘


Looking forward to Halloween, especially with a comic!


Thanks for the update!! Cant wait for the halloween comic!!


If you want to do longer comics, that would be cool. Plot makes everything better. :3


Thank you for the update, ahhh no ZOat, but I can deal with it. A Halloween special might be rather interesting.


the problem is the way i work ... I preffer to make the whole comic in one go... with Raan's Doll and the Zoat is easy since they are usually short chapters... with a longer comic... having steady updates here on Patreon would be harder


Can't wait to see the Halloween comic :3 I don't mind waiting for Raan's Doll a bit longer :) Yeah I already got an E-Mail from Patreon explaining this and they asked if my current location is right ^^


Zoat so 😍😍😍😍😍

Lg... life is Good

Really looking forward to your Halloween special !


Thanks for the heads up, I’m looking forward to your Halloween comic, your Halloween and easter comics always rock!

Joe Etienne

Whatever you have in store, I'm sure it will be great. Can't wait to see it. :D


For what it’s worth, both Inst-Cosplays were gold. Absolutely brilliant.


Your stuff is great it will be worth the wait :D