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Hey everyone!
So, having second toughts about this format :p ---
but we will see...

and, yeah I know!
second time I reference the same comic in a row! :p
I will stop now xD 

PS: Individual pages on attached file

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/KlEtKFn.jpg

Comic Database:




Good as always! Also, “Sunstone” eh? I love that comic as well ;>


great as always, love the sort of unusual safe word


Love the fact that it didn't go perfectly. Shows realism in the characters. Great as always.


Awesome as always! And Sammy is just so cute in that dress! 💗


Yay! More Raan's Doll! It's so cute how Raan can't get it right the first time. At least she has a back up plan.


Love it! It's so great to see that things aren't as easy to get down right outta the gate. It would seem Sammy is gonna need to maybe limber up a little too. As someone who plays both roles, it's difficult to sometimes keep certain whoremones in check and I can see how Raan totally loses herself when she takes control, but also how Sammy quiets down as a shy sub. The most important part is that they both need to understand that either roll has to come from a place of mutual respect and caring. When I dom I always make sure that I start slowly and make sure that my pets are comfortable with whatever I do b4 I start. Conversely, when I sub I make sure that b4 I'm dommed my dom knows that they have to be considerate of what they are trying to do. Taking or relenting control is a very fine line to walk and both need to be very considerate of each other. It's as the saying goes, haste makes waste. I do wish to ask though what's Sunstone?


I think the format is good


Sunstone is (or was) a popular lesbian bondage-themed comic by Stjepan Sejic. Btw, I don't know if 'whoremones' was an intentional typo, but I love it. :)

Mika W

I love their Relationship. They are so cute together. :-)


Aww I just realized poor Sammy doesn't have her boobies anymore. Well I suppose they weren't her boobies in the first place, happy to see more Raan's Doll! :)


Wooo another few pages from my second favorite comic artist that makes a reference to my first. You continue being awesome. updates from the these two artists in the same day. bloody unreal coincidence.


I was gonna say, I’d be surprised if Raan got shibari right out of the gate. I’m glad to see the realism of too loose, cramps, etc. I also love the safeword (Sunstone is great!).


Love it, especially with 'Sunstone' as the safe word. I've always just used the traffic light system myself, easier to remember in the heat of the moment.


This is so so real :D

Brave Sir Robbin

This is really well done. The false start out of the gate is very real and easy to relate to. The cramp is a very nice touch as well. Making a Sunstone reference was hilarious and I loved it. Thanks for keeping up the wonderful work.


Kaaaaanneeeeeell! The Sunstone Reference... love your comic as much as those of Stjepan Sejic. Awesome work!


Raan in the uppest right pannel looks different (a little). Like it. It seems like she changed visibly as they change to a D/s relation more and more.


C'mon do a YouTube... where is my streamin' Kannel? Wheeereee??? :-D I'd love to watch you Youtubing!


I love Sunstone. This is great.


I about died at the sunstone reference! Love to see one of my favorite creators reference one of my others.


Uggh patiently waiting to get caught up to that scene that was shown like a year ago with Sammy shaving his legs and then getting ready. Plus the toy. I hope it's soon.

Ryuzaki Raven

oh my god love the refrence there. also love the whole senario its very akwardly cute and .... relatable


Love the new Raans doll! They’re having fun. Though I think I liked the old format better because I got to anticipate each new panel.


i just want to thank you Kannel i like Raan's Doll since i follow you in devianart,for that like a month ago I took courage to tell my girlfriend that i like feminization and she accepted it :D I never would have done it if i had not found your deviantart page I will continue supporting you with all your proyects (sorry if my english is bad i dont know it very well)


Love it, it’s the imperfections and inexperience that makes Raan’s doll so delectable. I’ve always loved the art, but I certainly love the direction.


God, I actually giggled out loud when finishing this strip, handcuffs <3 So much realness mixed in with the sexiness. Kannel, thank you so much for this, can’t wait for what follows!


Since all what I wanted to say is already said, like the awesome Sunstone reference and the fact that BONDAGE is actually happening, I just will say: Raan's Doll > Perfection! :)


i love kannels arts !!````****


I love the realism! I think your getting to the point where your now on par with Sunstone in terms of the art and the storytelling. 👍

Steph H

Oh wow, this is great stuff! I found it amusing to watch them learn the ropes, so to speak. I am looking forward to seeing where things are headed.


If at first you don’t succeed. 😉


Love this format and how real this is. Can't wait for more!