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so... things will change ... for better or worst...
we will see...

sorry... havent been on the best mood lately... 



You are amazing at what you do!!!


Even if you don’t hear/see it, we’re here and we love ya :)


What? D: We all love and support you massively. You're easily one of my favorite artists on here. <3 I just don't talk much on Patreon comments because I like talking to ya on Discord.


Youre the only artist I support, in fact, I only signed up specifically so that I could support you. Ive always loved your work, so I hope you continue doing it. Raans doll is fucking fantastic, I think everyone wants to see more! :)

Dustin Angle

I 100% agree with everyone. You are so amazing. i look gorward to your work so much every month. It is easily my favorite art on patreon.


I have to echo what everyone on here has said, please don't stop! You're my favorite artist!


I'm not sure if my history may support you, but your first Raan's Doll strips used to push me to discover my gender issues, get rid off 20-years denial and make coming out. Now I'm happily living as a transgender woman. Thank you!


I rarely if ever comment on things but I really enjoy your work.


oh i wont stop... worst case scenarion im looking for another audience


Love Raans Doll, its rare to find comics around cross-dressing, transgender, etc that are more realistic, rather than fantasy. I enjoy your other works too, but Raans Doll is what drew me to your art.


I’m with everyone else here Kannel, you are an amazing artist I have enjoyed watching as you improve since I joined your patreon back in early 2017. You have many people on here just don’t comment, it’s not their thing but I’m sure they support you to in their own way. Here for ya Kannel even when you’re not feeling it.


No! I Absolutely LOVE Raan's doll. I live for new panels. That's why I support you here.


Same. I really enjoy your work. I just never comment.

Martin Lock

1.638 patrons supporting you can't be wrong. I've been "saving up" Raan's Doll lately, so that I can read the whole of chapter three (and re-read from the very start of course), which means I've not commented on it lately, but do please keep up the good work!


Yeah, I've been loving the Raan's Doll updates. I can't wait to see what happens to my favorite characters. I kinda don't want to influence what they do by commenting a preference for one thing or another. Raan's Doll is close to my heart. I can identify with it better than anything else I find on web comic sites. I've already re-read it a few times. I don't really identify with Japanese high school or university students and your art is identifiable (and attractive) too, if you know what I mean. I know my way around drawing programs bc I fiddle with photos all the time but I totally lack any drawing talent which is why I appreciate yours so much. I couldn't come up with a story to save my life either. xoxox <3


I absolutely love your work. It was your artwork that initially drew me to Patreon. Please don’t think a lack of comments means a lack of support. I look forward to receiving updates from you more than any of the artists I support, especially Raan’s doll. I will make an effort to give more feedback in the future but honestly the only reason I don’t comment more is because I love everything you post regardless and don’t have anything to say!


Oh sorry Kannel, I'm not an artist and I don't feel like comment and make usefull commentaries for you. I really really love your art, your style and your inspirations, you're the only reason of my inscription on Patreon and I'm sorry for my rare comments, I love your work and always will !


People tend to consume instead of communicate. But that's a general problem not dependent on you, your artwork or the fan base of yours. With the readers of your comics it might be even more silent. I think a lot of us are introverts. If you want us to put out words, maybe the best way is to ask questions! Love your artwork and I am a big fan. Sorry if I don't give you a comment more often.


`I love your work, it's one of the only comics I would consider realistic. And even in a D/s both Sam and Raan have depth and their own struggles. This makes your story seems real. In a way Raan's Doll helps me relate to my own crossdressing and relations. I've been very interested to see how Sam and Raan develop now they have been introduced to the scene. I'll try to keep supporting you with comments and feedback aswell! You are my favorite artist by a long shot.


I've always been very much a lurker on community platforms, be it streams, videos, comics (sorry for being part of the problem =p). But I can definitely see how it would be incredibly discouraging to put your work out there and feel like you're showing it to a brick wall. Your art is beautiful, Kannel and your story is lovely. I'm always excited to get a Patreon notification with your name attached to it. You've voiced your concern to us and if you'll continue to have us as your audience I hope that we learn show you more heartfelt appreciation by actively engaging in the comments (beyond just this post because the sky is potentially falling). Again, your art, your stories, they're beautiful and deserve more than the couple dollars thrown at you once a month per person


The amount of patreons you have says differently! Alot of people dont comment right now especially with fear of trolls or just busy with school and work.


I agree with the comments about Raan's Doll and my identifying as a cross dresser. Also the comments about us having a strong tendency toward being introverted. I'm always responding and liking your posts as soon as I can. We're really introverted though.


I Love you comics (especially the Rann's Doll) I love to watch it again and again because I can because I can identify strongly with Sam. <3

Mika W

If i knew you value your comments so much, i would have commented more. I am a long time Fan especially of Raans Doll and ZOAT but also of your style and Ideas in general. Please don't take the lack of comments as disaproval or dislike. I promise to comment more. :-)


I don’t know what time it is where you are but you got at least two dozen comments and it’s not 4:30 am yet here!


oh yeah... but this is not the first time i have complained about lack of comments either.... anyway... fear not about the Zoat and Raans Doll... i wont stop working on those


Love your work on Raan's Doll. Please don't feel a lack of communication means apathy from your community.


Keep your head up. I know it's difficult to keep working if you didn't get much feedback but we love your work. I like your artstyle and your ideas and Raans doll i can't wait for new pages and i am happy everytime i get an notivication on discord and you releasesd a new side. ;) btw. Do not mind my english i am from germany. ;)


im actually from chile... south america.. so... not the best english either

Jai-Dee Worth

Hon, your comic help me through coming to the decision to come out. I am one year HRT as of two weeks ago. I'm 49. Never think you are not making a positive impact to the, your, community.


Have always loved your stuff from the moment I started reading raans doll. I never comment on things cause I'm a bit of a lurker but your comics have helped me through some hard times. Will try to offer more feedback in the future! <3

Jon Stout

I like your long stories.


Not sure what you mean. Your overview page says you have 6.6k monthly patreon support ... so is it that you want us to comment more? You recently downgraded your lowest tier of patronage. I like your work a lot. It would be a shame if lost your current audience and started all over.


I love everything you make. I like the stories too. I want to see as much as I can!

Andy M

Don’t worry, just because people don’t say anything doesn’t mean they don’t care. Often people are just too caught in their own lives and forget to take time to smell the roses


Kannel, you are the Batman of art: the hero we need, but don't deserve. I don't always comment, but always at least try to click "like". Your art is so freaking sexy and cute, when I see a Patreon app notification from you, it's the only one I am anxious/giddy to open.


Honestly?6.7 a month on your art and you think thats bad?look I know think big right?Right. But that's a hard proof we're not here because it's a employer employee relation man, we're kindly helping as much as we can, so you can keep producing this amazing ,beautiful, sexy, sensitive and so unique art you do, don't get mislead by coments you're not an instagram influenceer also take this as reference on deviant art, with followers that get updates like once a while in a month and are quite behind your production or at least use to be, you get a bunch of comments right of the batch, you know why? because those people are craving for content, like most of us were before we become patrons, I personally was obsessed with Raan's Doll from the very beginning and other comics, I was feeling like a hacker trying to get a grasp on ilegal sites and threads until the day I just well man fuck it, this guy is amazing, I do want to support him because I want him/or her I'm not sure, to feel that way, and keep producing. So wait a second, you're looking for confetti, instant gratification?


Shit I was trying to star another paragraph...you must consider a bunch of things before you come to a conclusion of whats happening, lack of support...I think it's a psychological thing, like who are we, like real data, those that instagram and youtube provide, age, sex, bla bla...also for me at least.... receiving the art by email makes me seing it trhough the email it self( which sucks I know, but I don't always have a computer with me and or time to check the way I should...this can be the case for some of us no? also there's this thing of verifying devices now and it fucking sucks!...so there must be a number of factors, why many of us don't add anything while reading the post, could be time you posted, could be if what you've written isn't so inviting for a comment I don't know! there's indeed a tricky thing to do that require skills..anyway all I want to say is...don't feel unappreciated by that man...I'm an artist my self( a ghost painter to be honest) and I make huge paintings super duper techinical and they are worth close to 200k each if not more sometimes...I can make 2 by month working everyday 8h a day...and I don't make 6.7 dollars in a month...so...just to give u some perspective..


We are here, we support you! and we'll try to be more participative, cause you made clear how important it is for you! Thank you kannel for every post ever...it's a bliss to our eyes, I think you should try to make it to a comicon!? maybe we have a gathering?lol anyway be well, we love u


What do you mean? :o You have almost 1.600 people who support you on Patreon and probably a lot more fans who just don't support you yet :) I love your work as well even if I don't write as many comments as most of the others here ^^

Royse Loren Leech

?????? Please explain this statement ??????


Aww don't be sad. I love your work, we all do.

Vivian Friedrich

I always have trouble accessing your site and my rewards, but I love your work. Keep it up. Love your updates.


You could ask a question with every Comic. Like: "How do you like, that I used less conversation in Panel 3?" or "What are your thoughts on development of..." otherwise we - your worshipping crowd - only can tell you over and over how much we love your stuff, but I don't think this would be so productive as comments.


I think Kannel is frustrated since there is put in a lot of personal energy and enthusiasm and the feedback Kannel feels is "Here, my Money. Comic?" I wouldn' t like that either, but I allways thought we, as worshippers are a good party and some sort of a warm feeling to Kannel's heart.

Odessa Renette

As far as I know you have plenty of support but most people just want to let you do your thing and enjoy the results. It's not always vocal but we all support you. That's why we're still here, monetary support or not.


Another thing. Most of the time you release your work around 5pm est time. For me that’s on my commute home. Then by the time I’m home situated and cooking. I just forget to check it. I’ll catch it later around midnight. But by then I’m just chilling and not commenting. Maybe try adjusting your release times to first thing in the morning. That way you have all day for your patreons to catch it and comment on your work. Obviously one thing is that a page a day doesn’t allow the comic to progress much. And I also don’t really feel the need to comment when a released page doesn’t have much going on in it. I know that sucks because you spend time making them. But that’s just the truth. This is just one of those struggles for artists. You got to put your work out there and know your doing good work with out everyone singing praises. You should be making this stuff because you love to make it.


We're here for you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Do what makes you happy. Your art is always decent and sometimes is great. It's better quality than some of the professional artists I work with. Your storytelling is also great, which is a hard, one-two punch to beat. You make characters that are relatable, stories that are both funny and emotional, and your one shots usually make me smile. Like others have said about time zones, sometimes it takes me a bit to check everything, but I do. Maybe give everything you post a day before you count comments. Never forget that you're amazing. I hope to be where you are now in the future, so, as always, if you want to talk, you know where to find me!


Kannel, we appreciate your work and are all here to support you in more ways than one. If there is anything more we can do for you, just let us know, okay? :D


Awww... I love your works~! Especially your short comics! I have to say, you are among the best artists that draw Transgender comics!

Makeshift Razor

I understand how patron as a platform (and life in general for that matter) can be really frustrating, but you have tons of eager supporters here who jump with excitement every time we see a post from you. I hope whatever is happening passes quickly if it can. Remember that we support you. I feel I, and those here will support whatever decisions you need to make, whatever they might be.


I admire you for the quality of your artwork, because it speaks for all of us, its what we feel from the bottom of our hearts, its what we look in our girlfriends, its the sense of acceptation that we as women feel from the very beginning. I ask you to please continue doing all your beautiful art, that be the voice of us, so we can tell our girlfriends how are we and take easier aceptation! If you need to talk just ask! Remember that we can fell once, twice and so on, what matters most is thar we can put ourselves in feet back again!! One brave kiss to you

Kaffeyette Lektor

Hi Kannel, My comments are always so long. I get embarrassed. There's always so much I want to say to you, but I don't always have the time. This one is no different. Maybe you can count this as more than one comment, because it's so long. I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling supported. It's very surprising when I see how many people are liking your posts and making comments - more than anyone else I know in my life. I only joined Patreon to support you, because I didn't want you to stop making your art, like so many other artists have had to do. You are the only artist I support because I love your work so much, and your style speaks to me in some intangible way. I'm living the life I want to live through your art, because I can't do it in reality. I'm too busy, and scared and sad. I look at your Patreon account every day to see what might be new here. I spend more time in touch with you than with anyone else, and I don't even know who you are. I'm a writer (on the inside), when I get the time, but I don't get much time. I would love to write all day, and when I get the chance to do that, I do. It's happened twice in about twenty years. That would be my dream job – to be a writer full-time. I have so many ideas and worlds in my mind, but I don't have the time to get them out, because I have to work at one of the few jobs I can get in my field, to pay my mortgage and save for retirement, which is not far away. I can't stop working for a year to write a book, and hope someone likes it. A novel is not like a comic. I have five novels underway, all of different genres and styles, seven TG erotica short stories in various stages of drafts, and an epic poem that is thirty pages long so far, but I hardly get any time to work on them. I fantasise that one day, if I ever get the time to finish some of my short stories, I might be able to pay you to make a comic about them. I think your art suits the tone of some of my stories perfectly. I would love to see you bring some of my characters to life. I think your art is amazing. What would make you feel more supported? More comments? Is that why you do your art - for comments? I'm just trying to understand. I write because it sets me free, even when no one else sees it. Time disappears and I'm not sad about being unable to become who I really want to be. I don't have to be this person who I am not, just to make enough money to keep a roof over my head and food on my table when I grow old. How many comments are enough to make you feel good about what you do? Do you need those comments for motivation, or inspiration? I'm not trying to shame you. I'm just trying to understand, and maybe others are too. Many of us might not understand what sort of feedback you want to hear. We might feel silly about making comments about art that is so far above what we can produce ourselves, that you might laugh at us. What can I tell you about what you do, other than that I love it? You have a button for that. I click your little love-heart on every post you make. Maybe, a lot of people have made comments, and you haven't replied. Maybe, they felt embarrassed about that. Maybe, they felt that their comments were ignored, unwanted, or worthless, so they never did it again. According to your page, I've made fifty comments, and I've only had one reply, which was awesome. Thank you. I'm not saying that's bad, but if you want people to communicate, they have to know that someone is at least listening. I remember when you made a comic that involved a character I had suggested in one of your surveys. I was so excited. I was so happy that maybe, you had read my comment, and liked it, and drew that character for me. It made me feel so special. When you replied to one of my comments, when I suggested some names, that was amazing for me too. I felt so valued. I felt that I had helped you make your art even better. Is that what you want? Suggestions? Ideas? When I have made comments that were meant to be constructive or helpful, there was no response. I thought maybe, you didn't like me because of that. Have you replied to every one of your followers at least once? Would you know if you had or hadn't? I know that is a lot of work and it may not be the thing that you want to spend your time doing. It sounds to me that you already feel like you are investing a lot of time in the page for not much perceived return, so you feel like you should invest your time somewhere else. Another audience? Where? If the number of comments are what you are using to measure your support, there are probably some numbers you should know to help you manage your expectations. I know, I always get really disappointed when reality doesn't live up to my expectations, but usually that's because my expectations may be unrealistically high, not because reality sucks. I did a quick bit of research (because that's what I do), very quick, so these numbers may be slightly different from other sources. Most people who look at anything on the internet, don't comment - less than ten percent. Around 55% spend less than fifteen seconds reading a post. Of those who do comment, most comment less than once per month. Less than a quarter of that minority who do comment, will make a comment anywhere on a daily basis. Commenters who identify as male comment three times more than those who identify as female. Only about one percent of people who comment identify as non-binary or “Other”. The younger someone is, the less likely they are to comment, if their identity can be linked to the comment. Younger people, (20-29) comment more, but only if it is anonymous. Old farts, aren't so afraid, but people over 40 comment less, no matter what. The most common reasons why most people comment are (1) to correct an error; (2) to add to a discussion that they feel they have expertise or experience with; (3) to publicly state their personal opinion as an identifier – 'this is who I am'; (4) to have their perspective represented - 'this opinion needs to be included'. Only about eight percent of commenters do so to praise the piece that is being commented on, which is about the same as those who just want to have an argument. Over half of comments (55%) are due to people wanting to add something about a topic that wasn't in the post, and many times, that information was in the post, but the commenter didn't wait to read it - “Look at me. I know this.” So, most people comment when there is a discussion or argument, or they want to give their opinion. If you want to increase the number of comments about a post, you need to start a discussion, or ask for opinions that might then start a discussion (or argument). People also need to feel that their opinions are being heard, and that their suggestions might be implemented. I feel the surveys and polls are great for this, but maybe on other posts, it would be useful to ask a question about the information that you want people to comment on. You also need to remember that the overwhelming majority of followers are never going to comment, so don't expect them to. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment if you do. It's not your fault. It's just how most people are. Don't stress about what you can't control. It will only make you sad, and there's nothing you can do to change it. The people who do comment, won't comment on every post. I have 'liked' 571 of your posts, but I've only commented on 50, and I think you're amazing, I'm old, and I'm using a pseudonym, because my work monitors my social media. For a major publishing site, with mainstream articles, professional writers, advertising and marketing, getting ten comments on an article is good, getting 70 is amazing. You sighed and pouted and got about 60 “I LOVE YOU!” messages from patrons, and an essay from me (I love you, too). I think you're doing OK. Don't expect too much from too many people. You will only get depressed. Maybe, do some research on how many comments other artists get, and what sort of topics they are about. I hope you're feeling better soon, and I hope this message made you feel better and not more upset. We're all here to support you, whether we write about it or not.


What more can I add .. I am the same I joined Patreon just to support the only artist I follow . Its been hard at times as I am on a limited budget but the idea of you not being able to produce your works of art fills me with dread . They give so much pleasure to so many , including me . Please know you are loved and so respected .. OK Dawn xxx