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Vote on which Taskmaster Series you would like me to react to next folks. There will be a poll after each series to determine if we will continue with another Taskmaster series or move to a different show.



Series 8 is the logical step, but I will say that series 14 was really good with great chemistry between the contestants.

Sam Reeves

Time to overrule the poll and start a new show for Gods sake!


Why? If it's what the majority want and Josh is enjoying it then it's only taking up one spot out of six a week. You have plenty of other things to watch.

jonny bowerbank

Been waiting ages for this one just remember joe thomas was hilarious a good season


I’d really love to see this continue on (as long as Josh is still enjoying them). Some TM series are definitely stronger than others (just like some of the individual episodes in each series) but personally I’d never consider skipping either an episode or a series. And I’ve watched them all… a lot of times. :) There are some shows that Josh is currently reacting to that I’ve either seen and am not interested in seeing again, or they just don’t float my boat. I just continue to be a Patreon, keep voting in the various polls and look forward to the days that have the shows I enjoy.


Must admit that season 8 is by far my least favourite, but even when the guests don't click(or they're just unlikeable) Alex and Greg are there to paper over the cracks, and they're always reliable. Also people's mileage for the different guests varies; some people probably love Ian Stirling and Lou Sanders, and that's fair enough. I think we should still maintain the pretence of democracy with these Taskmaster polls; it placates the UN and other do-gooders. But I think we all know that there was a silent coup a while back and this After Work slot has been taken over by Taskmaster for good.

Michael Harrop

Not the biggest fan of series 8 but it makes sense to continue in order. So excited for series 9 though!!!!


No way! loving the show and loving the reactions and the series just gone,series 14 was one of the best,so I am happy voting on season by season and continuing all the way

Sam Reeves

Feels likes it's been going forever 😴 and after series 7 they just get worse and worse.


Love Season 8, to me it's far better than 6, 12 & 13.


No they don't. Series 8 is a bit of a low point and they've never quite reached the highs of 5 and 7 since but even 8 is still fun and there's plenty of great episodes and classic moments in store.

Andy Farmer

That`s why these polls are democratic, majority wins. Otherwise we wouldn`t bother having them at all. Loving this show!


Pleased to see we're carrying on in order and Josh obviously really likes this show a lot 🙂


I don't see the point in changing the show if it's well over halfway through... I'm glad we're going in order and the added bonus that Sian Gibson is in this season 😛




I agree season 8 is probably the worst, but it does have it's moments.


8 and 10 I think are the two worst series by far. Shame to have them so close to each other, but I agree that it makes sense to just go in order now. The most recent few series have been great, a real return to form.


I'd go with S10 as weakest... Johnny Vegas is proper disappointing and very lacklustre in it and the girl sat next to him in that season is redicolously annoying... Add the fact, that the pandemic started and they didn't have audiences for some shows as far as I know and the social distancing, S10 was just very off for me... Parts of S9 are a little tired as well.


Having never seen any fo them before watching here, roll on 8!


@David I've never found Johnny Vegas funny, his shtick just goes over my head completely. Most of the time it just feels awkward when he's his making usual long, rambling, improvised jokes.


I was the same way for a while here, but then I couldn't help it and went and binged the whole run of the show. This channel has done that for me a few times, I've fallen for shows I hadn't seen and was openly dreading, like Royle Family.

Kieran B

Feel vindicated that I said the Royle Family would end up working well and be a pleasant surprise