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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Red Dwarf



When the robo dude plugged the hole in the hull I can't be the only one who thought of the end of Alien Resurrection, that absolutely hideous scene where the xenomorph hybrid, the Newborn, gets slowly sucked inside out due to the pressure difference. I'd have given them nerd points if they'd replicated that bit...

Mike Doel

@Josh Series 10 is excellent and this is the way they stay :)


It's slightly annoying that just for the sake of a cheap joke they say that Rimmer's final words were 'mummy, mummy', when one of the most well known facts about him is that he actually said 'gazpacho soup'. We've even seen the footage. IMO it's the fact that Doug Naylor is so laissez faire with the internal logic and consistency of the RD universe that has led it so far downhill. Having said that this episode's pretty funny and season 10's been good stuff generally. The hara kiri scene was great, although I feel like I've seen that exact joke used somewhere else. Can't put my finger on it. The bit at the start was good. 'Young Rimmer' prequel anyone?


The models and FX are excellent in this one, especially on a Dave budget. Also, whoever told you to forget Kochanski and the corrosive microorganism - don't take those people literally, they just don't like that period of the series and are being dramatic.

(Just) Steve

Josh, how did you miss the Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back reference?! Star Wars Vader - I am your father. Luke - No. That's not true. That's impossible! Vader - Search your feelings. You know it to be true. Red Dwarf Rimmer's dad - Arnold, i'm not your father. Rimmer - But that's impossible. It's not true! Rimmer's dad - Look inside yourself and you know I speak the truth.


Lister did promise he would never mention gazpacho soup again so that would explain why he didn’t reveal that to the rest of the crew


JOSH: A couple of fun facts for this episode... 1/ Hogey the Rougey ("I challange you to a duel across time and space") was played by Richard O'Callaghan, the same actor who portrayed The Creator in 'Back to Earth'. 2/ Incidentally, Hogey the Rougey was a character from the scrapped theatrical 'Red Dwarf: The Movie' script, which ultimately got cancelled, due to a lack of funding, but was originally due to follow series VIII of the show. A great deal of this episode's script was repurposed from said movie script, which is why it feels so inordinately cinematic in scope.


Although it only gets a few seconds of screen time, Rimmer's battle plan is one of the funniest jokes in series X. Apparently Patreon doesn't allow users to post links, so look up 'Red Dwarf Rimmer battle plan' on Google Image search.

David Lyons

Plus the video message is very similar to how R2D2 plays back messages ;)

Kieran B

Love the fact that the last line is a mirror of the first episode ‘The End’ this is ‘The Beginning’ after all - “Holly set a course for Earth, the slime’s coming home” and “Kryten, set a course for Red Dwarf, the slime’s coming home”. Always remember liking the later series more than 10, but this stands up much better than I remembered


Thanks for the heads up, that was very funny. I like the microscopic section at the very end of the timetable saying 'come up with genius plan'. I read the books when I was a kid and there's an extended section describing Rimmer's procrastinatory(?) habit of creating pointless timetables before important exams. It's referenced in the show I think but the book really goes to town on it. This is a nice callback. There's a good Ted talk about procrastinators I saw recently. According to the guy giving the talk, the distinction between good and bad procrastinators is essentially the presence or absence of a deadline. Good procrastinators give themselves a deadline, bad ones just let things hang endlessly and never get 'round to it. At least Rimmer gave himself a deadline.


I never watched any of these series but this one's pretty much the best since six. A nice surprise because I'd heard it wasn't worth bothering with anything after the 'golden era' was over.


Hey Josh, when the show came back after a 10 year gap, it really had to find it's feet again, season 10 is good but 11&12 are funnier. As for people saying forget season 7&8 because of kochanski, those people are not true fans of the show and their comments should be disregarded.