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One Foot In the Grave

Today I will be reacting to - Thank you for watching folks make sure you subscribe to my channel for more reactions. Also, click the link below to subscribe to my other channel as well 🔻Click Below to subscribe it's Free !!!🔻 https://www.youtube.com/c/Afterworkreactions?sub_confirmation=1


Sam Reeves

Hey Josh will you ever return to adding your after thoughts to the video description? I understand if not, you're a busy guy!


Good question! Have wondered that myself. Like you, I understand if not, but he could probably delete the "spoiler alert" banner from his post template if so.


The budgie story reminded me of my budgie flying into a wall and cracking its skull when I was a teen. I pretended to be more upet than I was to see if I could get my mum to perform CPR on it. There she was blowing into its beak and gently poking its front. I was such a little shit haha.


I always wondered why Margaret never got charged with wasting police time 🤣 I remember my old budgie bit me when I was about 10 and I'd just watched a t.v. drama about rabies ..was completely and utterly hysterical coz I truly thought the budgie had given me rabies!!


Great episode, I don't think I've seen it since I was little but them finding Margaret's coat and her telling the story about the budgie made it all come flooding back. Those moments must have made an impression on me as a kid. Thanks Josh, you seemed in a nice, happy mood :)

Rob Walters

'One Foot in the Grave' is certainly the darkest of black comedies and superbly written and realised, and as with any superior comedy (Steptoe and Son, Only Fools and Horses), pathos strikes every so often and when that happens, the sentiment is felt equally as potent as the sound from the loudest belly laugh of its whimsy, created not a few seconds before. Annette Crosbie with her budgie monologue here, is a small but excellent example of this - and I say 'small' because there are many more poignant monologues from other characters as well as hers, yet to come - and they (for me) are every bit as memorable as the moments which left me in stomach cramps due to hysterical laughter.... and that happened countless times!


Enjoyable episode had me laughing especially the tramp throwing away the cosby like sweater LOL


Such a great reaction Josh! Thank you so much! Laughed a LOT! You know how much I love you and your reactions, but I SO want to chat with Taylor about her plans for your knitted jumper, and all other projects! I think we have a lot in common. I can also just imagine her sat all cosy with the fur babies knitting away, while you pop off to do your reaction recordings. You guys are the best! Lots of love, as always, to you, Taylor and the babies. Hi to all the other Josh fans too, as always! I hope 2022 is being kind to you all so far!x


It's not illegal to go missing lol She is an adult she can go where she pleases, you could certainly make a case that it is morally reprehensible as its not nice for loved ones but certainly the police couldn't charge you with anything. Wasting police time is when you knowingly give the police false information, I don't even think its illegal to fake your own death as long as you aren't trying to deceive insurance companies etc.


Thank you lol, so true I was cracking up. This was a great episode I liked it alot. I think she might be making a cardigan for me, we have to get the yarn for it. It does seem cozy when she is knitting, especially now that it is cold. Zero always tries to run off with her yarn, Luna is the only one who leaves it alone. Thank you again take care and have a great weekend!

Ian Richards

To answer the question about eating pigeon, years ago I used to work in a pub/restaurant on the edge of the Lake District, where the menu featured locally-sourced pan-fried wood pigeon as a starter. A genuine delicacy with a bit of raspberry compote or a red wine sauce, but it never really proved a hit with customers, largely due to the Pentateuchal plague of urban pigeons that used to swoop down and scavenge on forgotten bar-snack leftovers right outside the window at all hours of the day. Apparently, it's rather difficult to enjoy a nice plate of wild bird while you're watching its trashy cousin gobble up week-old crisp fragments like a feathered hoover. But honestly, outside of that context I can't recommend it enough!


Lol the monkey is from the PG Tips tea advert, that's what Karl has referenced a few times about monkeys pushing a piano up the stairs in the tea bag adverts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfkquXqhMdA

David Lyons

The "Will they, won't they" coffee commercials that are referred to may well be these ones as they were extremely well known over here back in the day and ran for years in the late 80s/early 90s. https://youtu.be/jsN4YwbM9kw And yes, that is Anthony Head, Giles from Buffy :)


Haha - my dad always used to call me Mr Shifter growing up :)

Ash Jeffries

Great reaction, Josh! :-) Ah, series 3 is where One Foot in the Grave truly finds its feet and Dreamland is such a strong episode, a sign of the quality of things to come. David Renwick's writing shows such imagination and originality here, and they way he flits from laugh out loud visual humour, to razor-sharp dialogue, to pathos and tragedy, to the utterly bizarre all in the space of a few minutes, is exquisite. Margaret explaining the two budgies in the cage, telling the story in class, being laughed at, not wanting to go to school the next day - that entire mini-monologue is one of my favourite bits of Renwick's writing ever, definitely one of the most brilliantly written moments in this show, and I have to take my hat off to Annette Crosbie too - she's such a wonderful actress. Richard Wilson always knocks it out of the park but I don't think Annette gets enough credit. This show wouldn't be the same without her; indeed, either of them. Dreamland, of course, as described by Margaret here, is the funfair in Margate, the very same one they all visit in OFAH - The Jolly Boys' Outing, and it always makes me smile when I hear it mentioned because I spent a fair bit of my childhood, from being a baby up to probably 12-13 years old, there. I remember the Hall of Mirrors. The Mary Rose (from which a doughnut falls and Del miraculously catches it in The Jolly Boys' Outing :-D) and back at the time both of these episodes were airing (late 80s/early 90s) it was such a thriving seaside resort. It's had a bit of a renaissance in recent years but it became quite a depressing, "abandoned" place for a good while in between due to various factors, many of my cousins/aunties/uncles etc. moved away because the collapse of the theme park and reduction in employment opportunities adversely affected other things like crime and the general upkeep of the place. So happy to hear it's on its way back up again and that they've reopened Dreamland - it was a lovely place when I was a kid! Nick Swainey is such good value and you will grow to love him more and more as the series progresses. But you have so much brilliant stuff to come - this is a strong series, and series 4 is the cream of this beautiful crop IMHO. Hearts of Darkness is David Renwick's magnum opus as far as this show goes, and so I particularly look forward to that episode! :-D

Richard M

I used to go to Dreamland in Margate as a kid too. I think '94 was the last time. I felt so brave going on the Looping Star :)


Superb episode. Best one so far. It only gets even better from here on out.


You mentioned a gentleman called Bill Crosby a couple of times during this episode. You might be interested to know that he was 'Victor Meldrew' in the American remake of One Foot in the Grave. You may remember this scene... https://youtu.be/KkM-NTizuAY?t=724