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Vote on which Taskmaster Series you would like me to react to folks. There will be a poll after each series to determine if we will continue with another Taskmaster series or move to a different show. I will be posting a video to go into more detail hopefully clarify why I chose do it this way .Sorry Ignore Season 13-15.


Keith Pratt

Might as well go in order.

Joe S

Never seen this, been meaning to, so looks like I’ll be watching from season 1 with you 👍


4 and 7 would have been my choices but 1 which is looking most likely is also very good

Ash Jeffries

Never seen it but I know it's super popular! I think watching in order makes the most sense so I've picked series 1! :-)


Any chance of possibly making one of the days a drama show day Josh? :)


Much better to start at the beginning here. Can see how it develops


I've never seen Taskmaster either (apart from a few clips) so I'm looking forward to it. Hats off to Josh's patrons for suggesting something different, as it makes a nice change to see a comedy gameshow instead of the usual sitcoms. Perhaps Would I Lie to You would be a good one for future polls?


Can't believe you made this into a poll..

John Taylor

Be careful with Taskmaster the owners of the rights shutdown several reactors channels with strikes just over a year ago.


Who the hell is voting for Season 15? They've only made 12!


Why is series 1 so popular ? It's not like the show is a difficult concept to grasp, any series would do


I voted for 7, as it's the first I ever saw and it's full of great moments that are pretty much guaranteed to make fans of new viewers. It's quite obvious that Season 1 will win now though, I won't complain, as it's another good one, and it's got Tim Key! but it is a bit different from future seasons as it's still finding it's way.


I appreciate hearing that, I've seen too many comments saying it has no place on the polls as it's "just a gameshow", whereas I think a bit of variety is needed on here (although I personally think the reactions should remain exclusively comedy IMO). Regarding 'Would I Lie to You', I do love that show but the reason Taskmaster fits so well on here is that there is a linear thread in each individual series. The same contestants are on each episode, there is a running competition, there are call-backs to earlier tasks, and it culminates in one winner of the series, so it has (an admittedly light-hearted) tension of "who will win". As much as I love most of the comedy panel shows, they don't have that element, and they probably have too many episodes to ever get voted in. We could go the Taskmaster route of voting in individual seasons, but Taskmaster is the only one I know of where each season has it's own identity, it would be very hard to pick one season of 'Would I Lie to You' or 'QI' etc. Having said that, if they ever get on the poll, I certainly won't complain!


7 is by far the best to start on. Plus it has James acaster, one of the best comedians at the moment. You know the sign of a good comedian is one who makes all other comedians wet themselves-Peter Kay, Lee Evans, Michael McIntyre etc


Task master is all pretty good but Rhod Gilbert in season 7 being an absolute maniac in a somewhat sinister fashion takes it at the best season for me.

Ian Richards

Series 7 is pure gold, especially with the running jokes about Phil Wang's disturbingly tight costume and Rhod Gilbert's unfailing ability to wind up Greg Davies, but I do think starting at the beginning and working up to the very best stuff is the way to go. For anyone who hasn't seen it, the New Zealand Taskmaster also has plenty of laughs and highly original tasks if you can find the episodes. (They periodically go up on YouTube, but the copyright hammer tends to come down on them every few months).

Steve Read

Series 7 is definitely the best series. I liked every single competitor, and there was a couple of hilarious feuds lol.

Steve Read

Series 7 for me. Taskmaster was such a refreshing entertainment format when a lot of other quiz or panel shows were starting to go stale.


Joe Wilkinson in season 2 was brilliant, I would like to see Josh watch them all

Colin Bayley

Sorry you've been forced to watch Taskmaster crap. Too many shows over here are now people buggering about instead of making real tv.

H Grazza

Speak for yourself lol a lot of people enjoy it and I'm sure Josh will too. It will be a nice change


To be fair I started season 1 a year ago and I've watched them all, some are better than others but on the whole it's a great show.. better than some of the recent shows that have won over the last 12 months.. Josh will love it! Start at the beginning!

Colin Bayley

I understand people like it. It has lasted so long. The problem I have with it is that there are so many similar shows like it on. All featuring various people claiming to be comedians who I've never seen doing their act. They only appear on shows like this. Anyway enjoy all who like it.

Tom Tucker

Those people 'claiming' to be comedians are in fact hard working comedians picked specifically by alex and tim because they are doing great things on the circuit. Just because Netflix hasn't given them a special, doesn't mean they aren't working comedians at the top of their game. Such a narrow minded view really.

Jack Morgan

Series 5 has my vote purely because it's some of Bob Mortimer's finest work.

Colin Bayley

Taskmaster does have better quality contestants than the others due to its popularity and endurance. Generally the quick wit I here is no better than you would hear in a pub on any given night. Watch some early episodes of Mock the Week and tell me it's not infinitely better than the new cast. There are levels of talent and most of them appear to be there to make the numbers up. You could drag people in off the street and they would be just as good.


The real poll question should clearly be “horse or laminator?”


I didn't want this as the vote winner either, mate, but why the constant negative posts about it? Whatever, it's one day other people (and maybe Josh) will enjoy... Just live and let live - some shows will get through and others won't and I'm happy with that :)

Colin Bayley

I was just answering the comments mate. Got little else to do tonight. Wasn't big on the League of Gentlemen either past the 1st series. So it's hardly going to change my Wednesday midnight viewing. I don't think Josh is going to like it beyond being polite. Thought there was much better choices on offer. Sore Gavin and Tracy for the 1st time via this and thought it was great. I don't mind things being chosen I don't like. I'm just a bit embarrassed by it.


Man, every time I come to the comments of this community it's just people complaining and hating on whatever's been chosen. How had such a nice guy attracted so many intolerant people?

Jade Nepia

dude shut the fuck up with your bitching and moaning, jesus christ


Because people bitch and moan when their fave thing doesn't come up, or something is popular that they don't like, simple as that. I don't like Gavin and Stacy for example, but Josh is enjoying it so good for him, I don't go on every episode here and whine about it.


some people crying too much here over the choices made, theyre too negative ,for me its an opportunity to see shows i have not seen before such but its worth watching with Josh as an audience

Colin Bayley

So I disagree with some of you on somethings. That's OK. We're just talking about telly. I've not shot your granny. Calm down. It doesn't matter what I think really.

Chris H

Nobody's acting like you've shot their granny, or needs to "calm down" as you so patronisingly put it. They're just sick of you moaning.


I'm hoping for Jonathan Creek at some point!


I was hoping for Psychoville to keep Wednesdays weird but I've only ever seen a few clips of Taskmaster so I'm looking forward to watching something new as I'd probably never have got round to watching it otherwise :)


I'm surprised anyone is of the opinion you'll politely pretend to like Taskmaster, Josh! I think you'll absolutely love both the concept and reality.

Michael Harrop

So proud of you voters!!! Yes there are better seasons than season 1 but he needs to watch this show in order❤

Colin Bayley

I expressed an opinion. It's you all that's moaning about it. I like to see talent doing their day job. What happens when they die? And the only clip they have to show of them is a clip of them balancing a biscuit on the end of their knob to a clock. All I'm saying is I don't like these sort of shows. That's it.

Michael Harrop

There are 6 shows being watched at any one time. Watch the ones you like, don't watch the ones you don't. But most importantly, don't come to the comment section of the ones you don't just to be an utter utter cunt. Let people enjoy their stuff, cheers mate 👍

Colin Bayley

We all like some rubbish TV. We don't all like the same rubbish TV. I know that some of the things I like on TV is rubbish. I like them anyway. I expressed an opinion. I'm not stopping anybody watching anything. And I'm not getting personal with anyone when saying it.


Ok, we've heard your opinion. No need to post it 100 times. You don't like it, we get it. Move on.


I have never watched Taskmaster before, I am excited


For me that's why it needs to be in order. The production in early seasons could be a bit jarring if you work your way back, but watching chronologically you get to watch the format grow and improve.


Will we be getting a episode tonight, or will this be coming next Wednesday?


Roisin is like the girl u want to invite to every party or night out but she would never score