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Don't forget we will vote on which series to watch and there will be a poll after each series. The poll after each series will  determine if we will continue with another Taskmaster series or move to a different show. I will be posting a video to go into more detail hopefully clarify why I chose do it this way . 



Mark McKeown

Awesome can’t wait!


Series 4 & 7 are both really amazing! Although they are all great :) Can't wait for you watch taskmaster!

Sam Reeves

Turns to absolute shit after series 5, but those first 5 are great

Mr K

At least it's short.


I think it holds up well until and including season 7 but yeah, the quality goes rapidly downhill after that.


Josh, does the above mean that after the winning series (which looks to be Series 1) finishes, you're putting Taskmaster straight back on the poll? That hardly seems right... there should be a break so that something else can win. Otherwise it defeats the point of voting by series, as it'll just keep winning the poll for the next however many months. Not really fair for the 'short' show slot.

Gary Tamblyn

I’d suggest playing the top 3 selected series, which would be around 24 episodes. 6 episodes seems a bit stingy and unfair to those that voted for it, however if it won this poll now, the chances are it will win the next poll, and the next poll, until we’ve seen all 106 episodes. And as there’s 52 weeks in a year, there will be another two series to add on, by then. Once the 3 selected series have been played, it could be kept off the poll for something like 12 months. Just to give other shows a chance, or perhaps it could switch nights when Red Dwarf ends, for potentially a longer run, if it kept winning the polls.

Tuts Tut

Nobody enjoys taskmaster more than the people in it


As someone who has absolutely no interest in Taskmaster... I can live with that. Good compromise.


I personally hope you do it in order, love task master