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As always I would love to read your comments below


Red Dwarf


Andy Farmer

Kneeing the Grim Reaper in the bollocks hahaa!! Classic Rimmer

Jonathan Giles

Not the best season lol. However it does get better. Can't wait for next week's. Dunno if your gonna react to all the parts at the same time or weekly but looking forward to seeing it. Thanks


Josh, may I suggest that for next week's Red Dwarf, that you watch the feature length director's cut of Back to Earth? It's the official edit which was released on DVD and it stitches together the three episodes. Doug Naylor never intended for Back to Earth to be episodic, but Dave (the network that produced it) insisted that it was for broadcast. The feature length version is how Back to Earth is designed to be watched and it works so much better that way. Josh, I also suggest that you watch the film Blade Runner in preparation for Back to Earth, if you haven't done so already.


On the whole, this was one of the less bad episodes of series VIII.


Hey Josh, I cant wait to see what you make of rd series 9. It's only 3 episodes and has a really strange plot line, lots of people don't like it but I personally think it's good. Just try to remember that the show was off air for 10 years between 8&9 so things are a bit different. 😊

Adam C Turek

So this was actually the last episode of the shows original run. It went through numerous re-writes and an alternative happier ending was filmed, you can see it here: https://youtu.be/YQDQ2EbnK1E They went with a darker ending to hopefully garner excitement for a planned Red Dwarf Movie, which never got made. Doug Naylor the shows co-creator tried getting money from the states but apparently they wanted to recast Lister with Hugh Grant, not a joke, he walked out of the meeting immediately. It'd be a full 10 years until we got another Red Dwarf, which is the one you'll see next week. Not a spoiler but for the sake of a little context, in between that time Craig Charles (Lister) would end up getting a role on a very popular British soap called Coronation Street. Also a popular comedy channel owned by the BBC simply called "Dave" would end up commissioning the new run of Red Dwarf from now on.

Adam C Turek

also, one of the proposed endings was to have Ace Rimmer (our Rimmer) show up at the last second and save everyone, but they never filmed it.


I'm gonna post my overall rant for series VIII. To those of you who have continually complained at me for criticising series VIII throughout its run on this Patreon, may I suggest that you not read the following because it will only annoy you. Ta.


Worst bits of SERIES VIII (aka TWO PINTS OF LAGER AND A PACKET OF CRISPS IN SPACE) Well, all of it more or less but in terms of specifics... * The horrible over the top acting which permeates the entire series, giving the show the feel of a terrible pantomime... well, a pantomime at any rate, as the descriptive addendum of 'terrible' is rather redundant and superfluous when it comes to describing pantomime. The whole style of performance throughout series VIII brings to mind reduced tickets being sold for a show in Blackpool - Dick Whittington, starring Les Battersby from Coronation Street, that sort of thing. Except for the fact that witnessing a last ditch attempt at stardom from a fading z-list celebrity, in a fruitless attempt to avoid the inevitable act of downing two whole bottles of vodka, hanging a noose around their neck and kicking the stool from beneath them, thankful to be embracing the sweet mercy of death; would be both significantly less devoid of humour and approximately 70% more entertaining than watching even a single second of Red Dwarf series VIII. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The resurrection of the entire ship's crew, which flies in the face of the entire premise and point of the show. Also, if your going to bring back a character such as Captain Hollister, don't take a grounded, competent, professional man and turn him into a charlatan "doughnut boy" and a target for lazily written fat jokes. Also, if I never hear the words "see you in ten minutes" again, it'll be too soon, given that my extremely expensive and extended therapy sessions were unable to scrub that particular sentence from my synapses, so heavily ingrained within my memory bank it is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Early on, we learn that Rimmer has been resurrected along with the rest of the crew because his attempt at cracking Hollywood failed miserably. We're told by Doug Naylor, through the proxy of Lister's beak, that he's "back to his old self", which is odd because I must have watched a different set of previous episodes than the ones Mr. Naylor remembers writing. I don't know, perhaps the countless years of shameless drug abuse have wrecked the lump of mush currently residing within my cranium, which at one stage in life resembled an actual brain, so badly that I simply don't recall Rimmer as having always been Lister's best buddy; his partner in crime. Perhaps Rimmer always was the chubby funster that series VIII makes him out to be but I could have sworn that he was once 30% less chubby and 100% less funster than his depiction in series VIII... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Everything about the prison concept is piss poor; from its ill-conceived conception, through to its rotten execution. Why would there be a massive prison on-board a mining ship? Why are all of the prisoners cartoon caricatures? Why does Doug Naylor seemingly think that the setting of Porridge alone is what made that particular sitcom a classic? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The character of 'Kill Crazy' is incredibly annoying and I'm 90% sure that when the studio audience applauds the moment where he knocks himself out, they're doing so, not because they find it hilarious but rather because they're just glad that the annoying twat of a ham won't be taking up any more screen time. If you want to set yourself a challenge, try watching any scene with 'Kill Crazy' in it and resisting the primal urge to reenact the scene from Cronenberg's Videodrome, by entering your television's screen and throttling the elasticity out of the little turd's neck, until all the life has departed from his gormless fucking peepers. It's quite literally physically impossible not to do so. I've watched series VIII all of three times in my life and on all three occasions, the first time that 'Kill Crazy' shows up; two minutes later I've been left with a smashed television set and a very sore head. They should put a warning on the DVD case or something ("The viewing of this program can lead to irritable and irrational behaviour and has been linked to disorders of the nervous system and bowels"). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Apparently, Lister is now a complete moron. When the Inquisitor from series V said that Lister had "brains. Brains you've never used", in my mind he didn't mean that Lister simply wasn't applying himself to his full extent by being able to figure out that a dot-to-dot picture is a bucket and spade, prior to connecting the final dot. Doug Naylor took a reasonably intelligent and likeable character and lobotomised him. Oh, please do kindly sod right off, Nu-Lister. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Personally speaking, unlike those who labeled her as a persona non grata, I never really had an issue with the character of Kochanski in series VII. I felt that, given Chris Barrie's departure from the show, it made a lot of sense to introduce her as an anally retentive replacement to Rimmer, albeit a significantly less weaselly type of anal-retentive. However, in series VIII, Kochanski has been stripped of practically all her characterisation. In fact, the single defining characteristic of hers appears to be 'woman'. This leads to a series of events in which Kochanski is either the source of men ogling at her; our protagonist attempting to rape her (via the luck virus, acting as an impromptu form of rohypnol); or the trials and tribulations of monthly menstruation. It's a disgrace. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * That bit where Rimmer hands Captain Hollister a muffin, only for the closeup shot of said muffin and its paper receptacle to quite clearly reveal the muffin to have been hastily purchased by a lazy production member from their local Tesco store. Either that, or Doug Naylor has made a very shady deal to promote Tesco branded muffins on the BBC. I'm mostly convinced of the latter. This is the real reason that the BBC stopped producing Red Dwarf, people! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The Dibbley family scene. I could probably leave that there, as no further elaboration is needed to explain why this is shite. Instead I'll make a side note; Reservoir Dogs parodies had already become played out and tiresome by the tail end of 1992, never mind seven f**king years later, during 1999. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The scene where the prisoners are playing basketball, after being spiked with viagra, is a strong contender for the lowest ebb that Red Dwarf has ever hit. It's the sort of feeble attempt at comedy that actively has the exact opposite effect on me than the intended one. I'm supposed to be laughing at the hilarious concept of erections, whereas in actuality I'm fuming at the lazy thought process which leads Doug Naylor to think 'hmm... I could write an actual joke here but fuck it, I'll just have a bunch of men walking around with erections instead because anything related with sex will get an automatic laugh born out of embarrassment, as opposed to anything genuinely humorous occurring'. Quite honestly, Doug Naylor needn't have even gone that far as, if the laughter track on series VIII is anything to go by, I'm fairly certain that he could have simply written 'the cast stand in front of the studio audience for thirty minutes, neither saying nor doing anything other than simply existing' and the audience in attendance would have been rolling in the isles, howling with laughter. The only thing that brought me some measure of entertainment during the whole viagra basketball scene was watching it with the audio commentary on (featuring the cast of series VIII), in which Chloë Annett enquirers as to why exactly the males in the scene are hunched over; "is it because having an erection is painful?" she naively asks. Her male co-stars seem to fumble for an answer; "um... no, not painful exactly". All of which leads me to conclude that... A/ Chloë Annett is endearingly innocent. B/ The male stars of Red Dwarf have never experienced an erection in their lifetime. Perhaps they should consider taking some viagra. Having done so, playing basketball would be entirely optional. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The two part episode Pete is surely the worst of the fetid episodes which comprise series VIII. The two moments which elicit the biggest "f**k off" from me are... - The crew writing 'dino' on side of their makeshift bowl. Why in the name of sanity would they take the time to do that?! I can only assume that particular action was carried out by the now lobotomised character of Nu-Lister but then again, in this new brain-dead form of his, I can't imagine that he's even capable of writing, anymore than a dinosaur is capable of reading. - The scene where the crew spy the egg with legs scarpering off down a corridor. Remind me, this series did originally air post watershed on BBC2, right? I ask because that kind of visual has no right existing outside of the realms of their children's TV slot on CBBC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


That's it, I'm spent now. Red Dwarf gets back to being decent next week, so to those who have complained at me for critiquing the show, you'll be pleased to know that my comments will generally be a lot more positive from here on out.


So this was the end of Red Dwarf and it certainly went out with a whimper. At this point I almost stopped caring entirely but the amazing DVD releases kept the flame going and I was giddy with excitement going in to Back To Earth.

David Lyons

Hmm, might take a while to read all that. See you in ten minutes! (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Ok, joking aside, at best, I agree, some of these points make for compelling arguments; Chloe Annett is absolutely underutilised. For a much better example of her acting ability, I recommend the highly underrated 1997 series 'Crime Traveller'. (Which now that I think about it would be right up Josh's street, since he has spoken about his love for time travel stories in the past, but I digress.) At worst, some arguments here come across as ridiculously petty. Getting so hung up on the muffin? Really? (I'm reminded of the Simpsons bit where the Itchy & Scratchy fan asks the writers about the different parts of the xylophone producing the same note...) Obviously you're entitled to dislike the series all you want. I'm not the biggest fan of it myself, but Josh pretty much has a decent grasp of it : it's not the best season, some episodes are not worth rewatching, but there are plenty of laughs to be had, especially if you've never watched it before. Now granted, this may be a diplomatic bit of fence-sitting to avoid offending anyone (I can't see Josh ever straight up saying something is shit, I don't think it's in his nature), but what's more likely is that since Josh has watched every episode of Red Dwarf weekly in a relatively short space of time, he hasn't had to wait as long as we had to between series, he hasn't experienced the hype of the buildup to the release of a new series. It was always going to be unlikely that he would see this season as the 'betrayal' that a lot of RD fans do. For better or worse, Josh isn't a long term Red Dwarf fan that has been carrying the baggage of following this show for 30+ years. (Incidentally, if you're reading this, Josh, apologies if it seems like I'm putting words in your mouth, these are just the impressions I get from watching your reactions and hearing your thoughts!) So yes, the acting in series 8 is hammier and the humour is trying to cater to a broader audience, but at the end of the day, it's still just a sitcom that tried some different things after 7 series. Some things worked, some (ok, most) things didn't. Might the show have not gone on as long a hiatus if they didn't make these choices? We'll never know. Oh and one final point, I think you're giving the writing of 'Two Pints' WAAAAY too much credit. If you see any Red Dwarf episodes titled 'On the Blob' or 'Spunk' then maybe it'd be a more apt comparison! (Apologies for the length, insert Kenneth Williams noise here)


Mac Mcdonald who plays the captain also played the captain of the colony in aliens...I always like to think he got transferred to red dwarf before the xenomorph outbreak


Those recent three making of documentaries were meh to anyone who's gazed upon the glory of the extensive making of documentaries contained on the series I-VIII DVDs. The recent Dave making of documentaries were mere summaries of the vast detail that the DVD's went into (an hour making of for each series, breaking down every single episode). That's 8 hours total of making of documentaries (more if you count the remastered DVDs), plus audio commentaries, deleted scenes, outtakes and more. They remain arguably the single most comprehensive TV DVDs ever released. Check them out, I implore you. The recent 3 making of documentaries were mere footnotes in comparison.


Glad you took some enjoyment from this series. 👍🏻 This series did do one thing for me. Made me appreciate series 7 a whole lot more. Personally I think it's a real shame that they pretty much completely wrote off Kochanski's character for the entire series. Another classic example in this final episode. It's going to be interesting to see where things go from here.


so now you have the next season, which I think is the lowest point of Red Dwarf, you'll soon see. but thankfully there's only a few episodes and then it picks back up. :-)


Back to Earth is actually the worst for me, but then it improves.


We're nearly at the bottom of the valley, but we start climbing back up after the next 3 episodes.


all up hill from here


the most infuriating cliffhanger with NO payoff ever :/

Stuart Fewtrell

Might be a good idea to look up Coronation Street before next week's episode. Basically a soap opera that Craig Charles was in at the time.


Interesting thanks for the information band link bro. Hugh Grant I don't think would be as good in this, I like the original cast alot.

Ryan Lynch

Was that a Raxacoricofallapatorian?


Well, there is a pay off of sorts at the end of series X.


Love the vindictive vending machine in this one, it's played by Tony Slattery