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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Red Dwarf


Jonathan Giles

It’s the return lol. Glad nobody spoiled it for you

Mike Doel

Yeah Rimmers back , I would say that Episode 1 is also the weakest so even better to come :)

Manly Stump

Lister drank Rimmer's Windolene and Swarfega in that story. Windolene is called Windex in the US (pretty sure it's the same company) and Swarfega is a green or orange gelatinous hand cleaner for oil, grease, printer ink, etc.


I really do like series 8. Chris Barrie came back not because he ever disliked the show, but he found the shooting schedule too hard, when he was greatly in demand for other projects as well. He was happy to return for this season once his schedule cleared a bit (and no doubt we're all delighted to have him back!)


Hattie is my favourite Holly, but they're both great in different ways. I've also met Hattie, she's lovely.

Mr K

Now would be a good point to try the audiobooks, having the crew back does kinda compliment the start of the first one. If you get time, of course. 🙂


I'm not sure why people don't like this season. It's a joy to see all the characters interact with the original crew who just can't comprehend the situation they've been reborn into, and to see the crew struggle to deal with it.

Adam C Turek

Rimmer's back, hence nothing was spoiled, everyone loves a Bastard. This is a way better series than the previous one, not sure why it gets so much hate. They brought back the scenes where it's just Lister and Rimmer like in the beginning because they were friends at this point, apparently they had to film less of them early on because of issues between them. (basically Craig Charles got drunk the night before and showed up to rehearsals late or hungover, while Chris Barrie waited round on time. When he arrived back at the hotel at 5 A.M. Robert Llewllyn would be leaving to have the Kryten make up put on in time for shooting) by this point they were mates so they brought the monologues back


Not sure why people hate on this season but glad to see so many positive comments on here today. This season is personally one of my favourites. Rimmer's back, Holly is back but Kochanski is still around. The Lister/Rimmer bunking dynamic back too. All positives in my book.

Cedric Bombs

I haven't seen series 8 in years but so far I'm liking it a lot more than I remember!


8 is definitely stronger than 7 for me. Rimmer's back, the audience is back and it has one of my favourite episodes in there. Can't go wrong.


Series 8 definitely feels more 'fun' to me than past series, which is a good thing. I dislike it when long-running comedies get stuck. Red Dwarf has more opportunities than most to experiment and pivot, sometimes it works very well, sometimes not so much, but all in all, I'm glad they did it.


its best properties it has micro grit in it as a scrubber :) i used it even as a child ,no wonder my hands are like cheese graters


I don't get the hate for season 8 it's got Rimmer back plus Mac Mcdonald as the captain and Mr Akerman

Sean O'Donnell

I missed rimmer so much. Only really gone for a few episodes but watching in real time, he was only in 3 episodes over about 7 years between the end of s6 and the start of s8. It would have been good to see maybe hattie back as holly on the watch and norm back on the ship or something.


Great. It's time for Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps... In Space!!!


I seriously dislike this series of Red Dwarf. It's so off and so diametrically opposed to the fundamental premise of the show (the last human being alive, lost in deep space). It's so damn wrong. It's not what the series is supposed to be. More so than that; it's dumb, it's broad and quite frankly, it's shit. Awful series. It's straight up embarrassing. Like a children's TV show knock off of Red Dwarf; full of cheap, immature gags, innuendos and over the top, pantomime-esque performances. It's Carry On...In Space! If people like it, then fair play to them. More power to them, but myself; I despise it. I think every other series of the show has redeeming moments, even after the classic era of I-VI, but with VIII, it's just the pits. I've got more to say on the subject but in the interest of not spoiling the series for Josh, I'll hold back but I will post my reasons for hating this series once he reaches episode 8 (the last episode of the series).


Season 7 is underrated, but the last episode was probably the worst Red Dwarf episode ever. I noticed there were guest writers on it, which probably explains why it felt so disjointed and un-dwarf like. So I'm not sure why Season 8 gets such a bad rep, as this episode feels like a return to form in comparison.


"I noticed there were guest writers on it, which probably explains why it felt so disjointed and un-dwarf like." Two out of three writers for that episode wrote series VIII (Paul Alexander and Doug Naylor), so no.


See, I always thought of it as Chuckle-Vision in space but Carry-On might be more accurate.


I went to the Red Dwarf convention in 1998 and we were so pumped for this series! If it’s not too late I think Josh would like the series VIII trailer to react to before he jumps into episode 2. It was apparently inspired by the Phantom Menace podcast which was doing the rounds at the time. https://youtu.be/D4ySlaBZMC0


Phantom Menace trailer I mean.


I started falling off mid way through last series and stopped watching midway through this series as a kid! When they announced it came back much later on Dave i was happy about it, but just never ended up watching it, so I will be watching from this point onwards for the first time with you as I can’t remember anything from this series

Sean O'Donnell

Holly's space ship impression was the The NOSTRILomo = the Nostromo from Alien.


I forgot to ask Josh, did you have go back and watch the first season of Black Adder on your own? Just seeing your latest Youtube video made me think of it.


IMO, series 8 is more enjoyable than series 7. Rimmer is back and, thankfully, Kryten is spared the cringeworthy high-pitched jealous whining from series 7. However, ‘Cassandra’ is probably the only truly classic episode from the series.


Cassandra's about as high-concept as this season got. Quite clever, for a show that had devolved to sticking mops on characters' heads to get laughs.

Mike Doel

All in all one you hit series 10 it gets better than series 8, even though i do love series 8