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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Red Dwarf



Ah, the last episode of the underrated series VII and then it's on to the dreadful series VIII. It gets good again after that though.

Tom Tucker

The one armed bandit is what the machines are called in pubs where you would pull the lever and the reels spin. It's called so much as the lever is like it having one arm.

Mike Doel

I love series 8, its hilarious


Just a heads up, season 8 can be confusing at the start (which is why i think people didn't like it all that much sadly). What i will say spoiler free is this, everything is explained eventually, it all makes sense as the season goes on, just keep with it. I dont need to tell you that, i can spot a dwarfer when i see one, and i know your in it for the long haul. Despite what people say, i enjoyed all the seasons, i think you will too :D

David Lyons

I won't mention anything about series 8's actual content (you've probably gathered by now it's rather divisive!), but just giving you a heads up that the filming methods used are significantly different from series 7, the main thing being recording in front of a live audience. I'm particularly looking forward to hearing your thoughts after next week's episode!


Thanks bud, I have heard good and not so good things but I have enjoyed the show so far so I am looking forward to it!

Adam C Turek

I don't know if you could do a show making fun of someone losing their arm today, as it'd be seen as making fun of disabilities - then again, Doug Naylor, the shows creator has a prosthetic leg so maybe that was their "get out of jail free card". I actually enjoy the next series, very different from what you've seen so far, should be interesting.


Holly re- appearing after a long absence , and saying. “ ALRIGHT DUDES “. One of the finest moments tv history for me 😂😂😂

Mr K

Oh, I remember now, will delete due to spoilers.


Series 8 is absolutely fine in the general scheme of things. Like series 7 it’s pushing the format forward a little more which isn’t as consistent as say s2-s6, but I know Josh will enjoy it. It’s back to the live studio audiences again but it with the higher production values of series 7.


I didn't find this episode all that funny. I think this was around the point I stopped watching the show. I honestly don't remember how far into this next series I got. I had heard that it got good again. At the time it was stopping and starting with large gaps in between where my interest waned. It will be interesting to carry on and see what I might have missed out on.

Alexander Bond

Agreed. Nearly all long-running comedy shows hit their peak around season 4-5-6 and then it's a slow decline. They generally become weak parodies of themselves. The same is true of musical artists.


Series 1 and 2 are my favourites. I'm weird XD


I'm glad Josh enjoyed this season, I didn't and 8 and 9 are just as bad. Series 10-13 are more like series 3-6


No such thing as bad red dwarf, just not as good red dwarf.

Scott sage

I love the next season, different but I think you'll love it Josh, gets way more hate then it should, some of my favourite jokes in series 8


Looking forward to your series 8 reactions. I was glad to see you enjoyed this series as it has a bad reputation. My prediction for series 8 is you will laugh a lot and then at the end you’ll… well, we will see!


I think he will like series 8 for what it is, as he likes a range of humour, but totally understand why a lot of other people don't like it.

Mick Mills

I forgot how bad it got when they shoehorned in a female to meet the BBC quotas, Still a good show though.