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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Only Fools and Horses



OMG Rodney applying to assist himself. Absolutely hilarious 😂

Manly Stump

4 remaining 😢


Can’t believe their are only 4 episodes left! Will be sad when it’s all over.

Richard M

Sadly only one more after this (those last three abominations don't count for me)


sad episode but that's what made Only Fools great, it has you laughing one minute then crying then laughing again.


I need an early night so won't be able to watch tonight. Like Dr Singh, I'll be back.


This is the beauty of the writing and acting in Only Fools. Even with a tragic emotional ending like this episode has, it can still get some laughs out. David Jason can make you laugh whilst also potraying Del's upset for his brother. Such a great actor.

Ryan Lynch

Well blow me. Now I realise she was that one in Red Dwarf. Even though I have seen Red Dwarf a few times, and that episode of Only Fools lots (had it on VHS) I never realised that was her. Cheers to whichever patreon person that pointed that out.

Hayden King

different episode


Hey Josh, sorry to hijack the OFAH comments, but it seemed the most logical place. After this finishes can we get Jonathan Creek on the next 'Long Show' poll?


The guy who played the disruptive guy in the hospital waiting room also played Dave Clifton, Alan Partridge's rival DJ in I'm Alan Partridge.


4 left now. Some people aren't fond of the very last three... but I reckon they are still pretty good tbh, when you compare against the series as a whole. I think it's just that the three episodes before them are soooo on point. This one today, and the next one, are two absolute classics for me.

Richard M

His best work was on Stella Street imo........now that's a series I'd like to see reaction to :)


That's the genius of John Sullivan who else could make a comedy with something as serious as miscarriage in it. It's also good to see the roles reversed as well in this one with Rodney being the strong one and Del the one losing it.

Mike Doel

One thing with these episodes Josh,most were specials and no one really new when it would end, I don’t even think there was a wind up plot

Rhys Drakeford Bennett

Been waiting a while for this episode, one of my favourites; especially the scene where Rodney applied for his own job & at the end when Del starts crying, shows John Sullivan's genius in full swing... has you laughing one minute then tearing up the next, extra excited for 'Time On Our Hands'. Brilliant stuff Josh, always the highlight of my evenings.

Gary Tamblyn

Last week’s episode, along with this week’s and next week’s, were all part of what was intended as the final trilogy broadcast on December 24th, 25th and 26th 1996. So although there are technically 4 more episodes after today’s, the 3 broadcast in the 2000’s were tagged on as extras to the story arc. Most [edit - Many] people see next week’s as the final episode, just don’t expect too much of the last 3. 🙂 Only saying, Josh, because you were wondering how the story would be rounded off in the last remaining 4 episodes. The last 3 were not written or even thought of when Next week’s episode was broadcast.


Only Fools and Horses is absolutely masterful at juggling the heartbreaking things, such as this or Granddad's funeral, with humour to release the tension. Just superb.

Josip Buretic

So sad the we only have 4 more episodes 😭😭 this was a great episode!! It had me crying and laughing in the same time 🤣


Trigger had some beautiful moments in this one! Can't believe he gave Rodney a fiver. I can imagine trig going around for the rest of the day just giving away his money and thinking it's part of the hand turning trick.


I'd like to second that suggestion. It's been mentioned a few times but never been on a poll. I think Josh would enjoy it and it might make a nice change from a show that's strictly a comedy. Even though it does have its funny moments :)


Such a great reaction, thanks Josh. Was looking forward to this :) the hospital scenes are such a rollercoaster. My mum miscarried what would have been my sister when I was little, I still remember how she was afterwards so this episode gives me a good cry AND makes me laugh at the same time. It's not pretty 😂 Can't wait for next week's episode :)

Ash Jeffries

Many people, including myself, see the next episode, "Time on Our Hands" as the proper final episode of the show. It was the very end when first broadcast in 1996 and John Sullivan originally had no intention of bringing it back, It was brought back in 2001 for three more episodes by popular demand. I think the additional 3 episodes have improved for me a little on repeat viewing but I do remember not finding them quite up to scratch. It'll be interesting to see what you think, Josh! :-) Modern Men is one of my absolute favourites and as others have said, it once again showcased John Sullivan's ability to juxtapose comedy and tragedy seamlessly. To build jokes such as Del being mistaken as the father and Del's speech followed by him bursting unexpectedly into tears into scenes where a young couple have just lost their baby.....to do that successfully in a way that makes you genuinely laugh but simultaneously doesn't undermine the pain of Rodney and Cassandra's situation.... *that* takes skill. Truly brilliant writing, and it also worked because of the actors. Others actors may not have pulled that off, but Gwyneth, Nick and David were pitch perfect in every way. The scene where Rodney applies "to assist himself" and Del winds him up is priceless. Again, the timing and acting go so far with this one as it's very well written but played wrong may not have worked as well. Just fantastic stuff. What always slightly baffles me in the pub scene where they're all round the table talking about Del and co's old school is how many rounds of drinks are bought within just three or four minutes or so. I'm still not sure if this is in itself a bit of a joke, they're deliberately double and triple parking their drinks, or whether it's just a bit of a clunky scene where although it appears as "real time" the implication is that time is lapsing as the scene progresses faster than it actually seems to be......in other words, a five minute scene is depicting an hour of socialising etc. Not sure, but it's a strange one! The next episode is just superb. Absolutely the zenith of Only Fools and Horses, although there have been many zeniths admittedly. Jolly Boys' Outing was probably the last one and before that, probably Granddad's funeral episode. It's top drawer stuff though and I hope you enjoy, Josh! I can't wait to watch it again! :-)


I personally think people are overly harsh about the last three episodes. Yes I agree that they're not in the same league as this set of specials. However some people are calling them an 'abomination' which is just ridiculous hyperbole.

Rob Walters

Ray Galton and Alan Simpson could, that's who and that is where Sullivam got much of his ideas from as 'Steptoe and Son' was his favourite sitcom. Ill give you two examples he used in this episode from the first film version. In that, Harold falls in love with a stripper (Del did with Racquel in Dates), there isn't a miscarriage but she abandons the baby and leaves him on Harold's doorstep. Both him and his dad care for the baby for months and one day she nicks him back again... gone. There's even a third homage which is they find the baby abandoned in the stable at the same time as 3 old blokes come in with a gift each for them...fir a brief minute some religious music plays and they both wonder if it is the second coming.... Sullivan cleverly turned that upside down and gave Del, Damien !

Rob Walters

Genius in full swing... please read my comment above and let's credit the originators that Sullivan borrowed from - Ray Galton and Alan Simpson who wrote Sullivans favourite programme, Steptoe and Son. I'm not knocking Sullivan at all and his writing is excellent but every episode he I hailed as genius when the material he borrowed and ideas he nicked but altered so it wasn't blatant are well clear if you watch the whole series.


Brilliant episode, review and reaction as always you provide with this show Josh. A part that caught my attention is when Rodney says to Cassandra "One day they might make a musical about the history of the Trotter family" I think they came out with OFAH the musical 2019 correct me if I'm wrong Patreons. Also Josh you were in fits of laughter with Dels performance even after the show had finished, which kept me cracking up too Lol


All of the next 4 episodes are very enjoyable. Sure, some are better than others, as with most things. Don't listen to people overstating their own opinions as fact. Just like the detractors of Red Dwarf 7, they're not as representative of people as they like to think.

Richard M

In my opinion, the three episodes where they came back, its just that there was no need after ending it so well. But that could have still been alright had it not all seemed so phoned in. Recycled jokes and scenarios (which I won't spoil for Josh here) and the worst Trigger being stupid they ever did (ditto). Not to mention missing characters, which didn't help things.


Thank you, this was a great episode. Oh no sorry to hear that, I am happy that this one can bring you some happiness even though it is still sad.

Alexander Bond

I'm glad there are only a few more episodes of this. It seems to have gone on forever. Everything gets tiresome and repetitive eventually. As with Red Dwarf, I started watching this as a child and by the last episodes I was in my 30s and my tastes in everything had changed.

Tony Smyth

Yeah... if you have the money you can shag anyone. Ask Jeffery Epstein... oh wait!


I will be sad to see the only fools reactions come to an end. Enjoyed watching along with you from the start. I have also picked up on some jokes thanks to you that I have missed in the past.

Joe S

The next episode I believe still holds the record for the most viewed tv episode of any show in the U.K. over than maybe one of the soaps. 25 million ish which was probably over half the population then


Glad you enjoyed Modern Men as it's a good setup episode for the 1996 trilogy's conclusion, is the payoff worthwhile? Considering it's been 25 years this December and Time on our Hands STILL holds the record for Most Viewed episode of any TV show in the United Kingdom(24.3 million viewers to be precise) I'd definitely say yes. Can't wait for your reaction Josh, hope you enjoy it.


Lovely episode in the middle of the 1996 trilogy. I heard that Paul Jackson (producer of Red Dwarf) singled out the miscarriage scene as an example of how comedy and tragedy could work together. The next episode aired on my grand dad’s birthday and is a special one!

Jehan Ariyaratnam

I think they were just trying to show they were pissing Mike off by buying endless rounds of drinks


The last 3 episodes are good!!! but time on are hands was meant to be the finale episode and had such a perfect ending to the episode/series as a whole. Also I can’t stand Damien in the last 3 episodes


Great episode this is one i watch over and over


What happened to most of season 7 ?


Yes 'Time On Our Hands' should definitely have been the last and would have been the perfect ending... The shows after that special should be deleted forever lol and were only done for pure greed to carry on milking the cash cow.

Sam Dilks

I love this episode. Right, people probably quite rightly accept the next episode to actually be the best and last one in the whole show and many people totally dismiss the 3 specials after that. Well, I’m here to defend and back those 3 specials, I will give my full explanation at the very end but just letting you know don’t get put off the last 3 episodes by what some people say about them. But next week episode was watched by 25 million people, it was a nationwide event

Kevin Liversage

The first episode of that 3 is probably one of my most hated OFAH episodes (though there were so many things working against it). The other 2 are much better though perhaps in need of a little editing.


Who's up waiting for the next episode to drop? 😆