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Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!

As always I would love to read your comments below


Red Dwarf


Gareth Hood

She never had a chance Boys from the Dwarf 🤨


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I always really liked this Kochanski. Yeah she isnt the original, but I think that's the point. The original Kochanski seemed like she would be up for a good laugh and make the best of her situation...this one is more like Rimmer and I think that is absolutely the point. For me she works.

Tom Tucker

Ouroboros is the depiction of a snake eating it's own tail. An unending cycle.

Kieran B

Just a slightly random aside but you could read all four of the books (or listen to the audiobooks) now Josh, as they won’t spoil anything. The first two audiobooks are great - Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers and Better Than Life, Chris Barrie who plays Rimmer reads them and as a former impressionist naturally he does all the voices pretty well. They adapted the audiobooks into the Red Dwarf Radio Show years back, remember when I discovered them on cassette years ago, back in the days where you could be surprised by the existence of stuff 😂

Manly Stump

Oxfam is a charity focused on global poverty; an "Oxfam shop" is just a thrift store. Ouroborus is an actual symbol from ancient Egypt.


Maybe delete this, it's clearly a spoiler lol


Dunno if you realised from the credits but baby Lister is played by the son of Danny John Jules (Cat)


Josh, sorry to hijack the comments section for Red Dwarf but just noticed your latest YouTube reaction to the sniper sketch from the Armando Ianucci Shows. I think you'd love this whole show, maybe contender for a future poll? Not sure it would gain much traction as it didn't get very much attention. Unfortunately it was first broadcast while 9/11 was happening, and Iannucci himself suspects that people might not have been into dark surreal humour at that time (the sniper sketch being the perfect example!).


Awesome thanks bud, I will have to check them out. Most likely online as I haven't seen them at any of our local bookstores. I do like audiobooks alot as well so that is awesome.

Ian Webster

Needy Kryten is the worst Kryten.

Adam C Turek

Chloe Annett (Kachanski) gets some negative reactions from people because she was never the original actor but personally i think she gives a better performance and establishes the class system between her and Lister well. I think it's good to have a female presence on the show too, since the lack of Holly the past series'.

Ian Richards

I've always had a soft spot for S7 as it was my introduction to Red Dwarf back when it first aired, and I clearly remember that after spending the first couple of episodes getting to grips with the characters, it was Ouroboros that really hooked me. The whole paradox of Lister's birth seemed funny and mind-blowing all in one. A couple of comments above have questioned what Lister and Chloe Annett's fairly snobbish Kochanski would ever have seen in one another to start a relationship (in contrast with Clare Grogan's much more relatable girl-next-door Kochanski), but it all seems pretty straightforward to me. Kochanski was on the rebound from her pretentious chef Tim, and decided to slum it with the most un-pretentious guy aboard ship as an "up yours" to the ex. For his part, Lister may be a diehard working-class slob, but he's also a pretty sensitive guy; I can see him being so bowled over at pulling a girl as pretty and cultured as Kochanski that he takes a genuine interest in stuff like art and opera for a few weeks (with encouragement from her, obviously), and starts to believe that he can really better himself. But just as he's starting to make that change in his life, she dumps him, and in his heartbreak he goes right back to being regular old Lister who thinks sophisticated stuff is for smegheads.

danny gibson

"Topplin dictatorships and banging chicks" 😄